.05). Although the mean scores were increased in favour of the final test, it is not statistically significant. The effect size which is called eta-square) explains how the total variance of the dependent variant of the independent variable. In the attitude variable, it is understood that the effect between pre-test and post-test is small. This can be explained by the fact that the duration of the applied experimental process is six weeks. Writing is an action that requires continuity. The fact that students do regular writing exercises also indicates that they can write more qualified writing. It can be said that the students started to love their writing studies more with the writing method by generating a word net. It can be seen that when they form a word net, they produce more ideas and they can write more easily. It can be said that the students who stated that they were bored with writing had more fun while they formed the word net and they were more willing to participate in the studies. Positive increase of tendency in attitudes can be considered as an indication of effectiveness of the method. Students' self-efficacy of writing seems to increase their average scores by about 6.2% after applying the word net method. It can be alleged that this situation derives from the applied word net method. It can be said that the method of writing by generating a word net has improved the self-efficacy beliefs of students in writing a text that is wellphased and designed by students as a regular introduction, development and conclusion. It is observed that students are experiencing some problems in writing an attractive introduction, advancing their thoughts, supporting them with subsidiary thoughts, and consequently having a proper context. It can be said that the method helps the students in this regard. Although there are many studies on self-efficacy when the literature is scanned, it is seen that these studies are mostly about science, English and computer teacher candidates or teachers. However, there is no study on the word self-efficacy perception of primary school students. From this point of view, the study shows that the word net can improve the writing attitudes and writing self-efficacy perceptions of creative writing methods in written expression studies at primary level. In Turkey, considering literature the study of Inal (2006) clustering technique in order to determine the effect of students on course success and student attitudes in foreign language teaching has shown that the pre-cluster strategy directly increases the attitude of the students, but this difference is not statistically significant. The results of our study and Inal (2006) 's results are in parallel. In the attitude variable, the indication of efficacy of the method can be accepted if the effect level between the pre-test and the post-test is small but has a positive tendency to increase. Durukafa (1992) reached the conclusion that students were able to express themselves in a more confident manner in their ability to express themselves in writing when writing a creative composition by applying the cluster method. The increase in self-efficacy scores in favour of posttest in our study is in parallel with Durukafa (1992). Hamaratlı (2015) points out that 52.9% of the students in the experimental group of word net application defended the idea of "It helped me where to start", in the study of foreign students trying to determine the effects of the word net method on the writing skill and motivation of the students in teaching Turkish. The data obtained from our study with this data is parallel. According to the results of self-efficacy post-test, the ninth item has a statistically significant difference in our study. Students have made progress in writing letters with a regular introduction, development and conclusion.Writing is an action that requires continuity. It can be said that writing works can be done regularly and constantly, by the application of creative writing techniques. In this research, teaching and application of the word net method in primary schools should be widespread. It can be suggested that this method be taught to the prospective teachers in higher education and this method should be investigated more spreading with control group and longer period. The method name can also be given as the name of the "cluster" as Türkel and Kitiş used."> [PDF] KELİME AĞI YÖNTEMİNİN İLKÖĞRETİM 6. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN YAZMAYA YÖNELİK TUTUMLARINA VE YAZMA ÖZYETERLİK ALGISINA ETKİSİ | [PDF] THE EFFECTS OF METHOD CLUSTER ON 6TH GRADE STUDENTS MANNER OF WRITING SKILLS AND THEIR PERCEPTION OF SELF-EFFICACYON WRITING .05). Although the mean scores were increased in favour of the final test, it is not statistically significant. The effect size which is called eta-square) explains how the total variance of the dependent variant of the independent variable. In the attitude variable, it is understood that the effect between pre-test and post-test is small. This can be explained by the fact that the duration of the applied experimental process is six weeks. Writing is an action that requires continuity. The fact that students do regular writing exercises also indicates that they can write more qualified writing. It can be said that the students started to love their writing studies more with the writing method by generating a word net. It can be seen that when they form a word net, they produce more ideas and they can write more easily. It can be said that the students who stated that they were bored with writing had more fun while they formed the word net and they were more willing to participate in the studies. Positive increase of tendency in attitudes can be considered as an indication of effectiveness of the method. Students' self-efficacy of writing seems to increase their average scores by about 6.2% after applying the word net method. It can be alleged that this situation derives from the applied word net method. It can be said that the method of writing by generating a word net has improved the self-efficacy beliefs of students in writing a text that is wellphased and designed by students as a regular introduction, development and conclusion. It is observed that students are experiencing some problems in writing an attractive introduction, advancing their thoughts, supporting them with subsidiary thoughts, and consequently having a proper context. It can be said that the method helps the students in this regard. Although there are many studies on self-efficacy when the literature is scanned, it is seen that these studies are mostly about science, English and computer teacher candidates or teachers. However, there is no study on the word self-efficacy perception of primary school students. From this point of view, the study shows that the word net can improve the writing attitudes and writing self-efficacy perceptions of creative writing methods in written expression studies at primary level. In Turkey, considering literature the study of Inal (2006) clustering technique in order to determine the effect of students on course success and student attitudes in foreign language teaching has shown that the pre-cluster strategy directly increases the attitude of the students, but this difference is not statistically significant. The results of our study and Inal (2006) 's results are in parallel. In the attitude variable, the indication of efficacy of the method can be accepted if the effect level between the pre-test and the post-test is small but has a positive tendency to increase. Durukafa (1992) reached the conclusion that students were able to express themselves in a more confident manner in their ability to express themselves in writing when writing a creative composition by applying the cluster method. The increase in self-efficacy scores in favour of posttest in our study is in parallel with Durukafa (1992). Hamaratlı (2015) points out that 52.9% of the students in the experimental group of word net application defended the idea of "It helped me where to start", in the study of foreign students trying to determine the effects of the word net method on the writing skill and motivation of the students in teaching Turkish. The data obtained from our study with this data is parallel. According to the results of self-efficacy post-test, the ninth item has a statistically significant difference in our study. Students have made progress in writing letters with a regular introduction, development and conclusion.Writing is an action that requires continuity. It can be said that writing works can be done regularly and constantly, by the application of creative writing techniques. In this research, teaching and application of the word net method in primary schools should be widespread. It can be suggested that this method be taught to the prospective teachers in higher education and this method should be investigated more spreading with control group and longer period. The method name can also be given as the name of the "cluster" as Türkel and Kitiş used.">


Yazma ana dili öğretiminin dört temel becerisinden biridir. Duygu düşünce, dilek ya da hayallerin yazıyla aktarılmasına dayanan yazma becerisi temel düşünme becerilerini de üst düzeyde kullanmayı gerektirmesi bakımından çok katmanlı ve üst düzey bir dil becerisi olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu bakımdan yazma becerisinin geliştirilmesi alanyazında önemle ele alınan bir konu olagelmiştir. Alanyazına bakıldığında yazma becerisinin geliştirilememesinden yakınmların oldukça yoğun olduğu, dolayısıyla bu becerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik yeni yöntem ve tekniklere gereksinim duyulduğu görülür. Öte yandan "tutum" ve "özyeterlik algısı" öğretimle ilgili alanyazının iki önemli kavramı olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Çeşitli alanlarda tutuma ve özyeterlik algısına ve çeşitli değişkenlerin bunlara etkisine yönelik araştırmalara sıklıkla rastlanmaktadır.Bu araştırmada yukarıda belirtilen gerekçelerle yola çıkılarak bir yazma yöntemi olan "kelime ağı yöntemin"nin yazmaya yönelik tutuma ve özyeterlik algısına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla deneysel bir çalışma yapılmış, kontrol grupsuz öntest ve sontest uygulamalı desen kullanılmıştır.Uygulama öncesinde yazmaya yönelik özyeterlik algısı testi ve tutum testi uygulanmış, iki sınıftaki elli üç altıncı sınıf öğrencisiyle altı hafta boyunca kelime ağı yöntemine dayalı yazma uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiş, ardından tutum ve özyeterlik algısı sontestleri uygulanmıştır. Öntest sontest farklarına bakıldığında öğrencilerin gerek yazmaya yönelik tutumlarında gerekse yazma özyeterlik algılarında denel işlem öncesiyle sonrası arasında anlamlı bir fark oluştuğu görülmüştür. Sonuçlara bakılarak kelime ağı yönteminin altıncı sınıf öğrencilerinin yazmaya yönelik tutumlarına ve özyeterlik algılarına olumlu etki ettiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlara dayanılarak yazma öğretiminde kelime ağı yönteminin daha yaygın kullanılması önerilebilir. Ayrıca Türkçe alanyazında bu yönteme, daha kısa olması ve öğrencilerin ilgisini daha çok çekme olasılığı nedeniyle, "salkım yöntemi" adı önerilebilir


Writing is one of the four basic skills of native language teaching. Writing skills based on the transfer of emotional thoughts, wishes or dreams in writing can be considered as multi-layered and high-level language skills with regard to use basic thinking skills at a high level. In this respect, the development of writing skills has become an important topic in the field. Considering literature, it is clear that complaints about the inability to improve writing skills are so intense that new methods and techniques are needed to develop this skill. On the other hand, "attitude" and "self-efficacy perception" draw attention as two important concepts of literature related to teaching. There are frequent researches on attitude and self-efficacy perception in various fields and the effects of various variables on them. In this study, the effect of the "word net method", a writing method, on the writing and self-efficacy perception for writing was searched by the above reasons. For this purpose, an experimental study was carried out. Pre-test and post-test applied patterns were used. Self-efficacy perception test and attitude test were applied for writing before application. Fiftythree sixth-grade students in two classes performed writing application based on word net method for six weeks, and then attitude and selfefficacy perception tests were applied. Considering the differences of pretest and post-test, it was seen that there was a meaningful difference between students' attitudes towards writing and writing self-efficacy perceptions before and after the formal process. The results show that the word net method has a positive effect on the attitudes towards writing and self-efficacy perceptions of the sixth-grade students. Based on these results, it can be suggested that the word net method is more widely used in teaching writing. In addition, in Turkish literature, the term "cluster method" can be suggested because it is shorter and likely to attract students’ attention Writing skills express the ability to convey emotions and thoughts in written narration, and it is an activity that needs to convey multidimensional thinking skills composed of different structures. The teaching of written expression in elementary education, especially in Turkish lessons, constitutes one of the four basic pedagogies of the curriculum. On the other hand, it seems that there are complaints about writing and teaching writing considering literature. These complaints, which began as a result of students not being able to write a petition and not getting notes about what they were listening to, are still unable to develop high-level thinking skills that should be taught by writing. It is heavily complained by the fact that writing education is far from being aimed at developing the creativity that must be developed. The main purpose of this research is to measure the effects of the word net formation method on students' writing attitudes and writing self-efficacy perceptions in 6th grade primary Turkish classroom teaching activities. For this purpose, the writing attitude scale and the writing selfefficacy scale were applied for pre-test before starting to work and introduction of the work. Then the word net method was introduced to the students and a sample application was made by the teacher. After that, for six weeks, experimental application was carried out by fulfilling the requirements of the word net process in six different subjects, three of which were emotionally weighted, these three could be defined enthusiastically, and three were intellectually weighted. At the end of the process, the writing attitude scale and writing self-efficacy perception scale were re-applied for the post-test. The problem statement of this study is as follows: Does the word net method affect the attitudes of the 6th grade students of primary education towards writing and the writing self-efficacy perception? The sub-problems of the study were determined as follows: 1. Is there a statistically significant difference between the attitudes of 6th grade primary school students towards writing before and after applying the word net method? 2. Is there a statistically significant difference between the selfefficacy perceptions of the 6th grade primary school students before and after the word network method? In this study, pre-test and post-test applied patterns, which are in experimental research methods, were used. While the word net method was considered as the independent variable, the attitudes towards writing and the writing self-efficacy perception were taken as dependent variables. As statistical methods, dependent t-test was used in pretest/post-test changes, whereas arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequencies were used in descriptive statistics. In the reliability analysis, Cronbach's Alpha values were used. In this research, “Attitudes Scale Towards Writing (ASTW)” developed by Susar (2009) was used in order to measure students' attitudes toward writing before the experimental application and “Writing Self-Efficacy Scale (WSS)” developed by Valiante (2001) was used in order to measure the self-efficacy perceptions. The reliability values of the scales are as follows:Test Name Measurement Number of Reliability co-efficient item (Cronbach’s Alpha) Writing attitude Preliminary measurement 34 .951 Final measurement 34 .947 Writing Self-Efficacy Preliminary measurement 10 .886 Final measurement 10 .883 The research was applied to two 6th grades at once and 53 students in these two classes constituted the experimental group. 49.1% (f = 26) of the study group consisted of female students and 50.9% (f = 27) were consisted of male students. The application process of the research consists of preparation, preliminary measurement, experimental process, final measurement. At the end of the preliminary research for the completion of the research phase at the preparation stage, İzmir Buca Akşemsettin Secondary School was elected to have sufficient number of sixth grade branches of the school in which the experimental process was carried out and to have students with moderate qualifications in socio-economic cultural settings. Preliminary measurements were carried out on 15/04/2016. Attitudes and writing self-efficacy scales for writing were applied in both classes. In the experimental process, word net generating studies were carried out with the core words given in both classes, without restricting students' thoughts. During this process, necessary explanations were made to the students in order not to have any ideas that prevent him or her, and to feel comfortable. After generating the word net, it is provided to transfer the students' thoughts to the writing by going to the writing phase. The final measurements were made on 03/06/2016. Attitudes scale towards writing and writing self-efficacy scale were applied to both classes. A statistical package program was used to solve the quantitative data obtained from the research. In order to describe groups arithmetic mean and standard deviation, in order to determine intra-group variation dependent t-test, and in order to determine intergroup differences independent t-test were applied. The significance level of the statistical analyses used in the study was accepted as 0.05. The students' attitudes towards writing increased after the application of the word net method (= -1.280, p>.05). Although the mean scores were increased in favour of the final test, it is not statistically significant. The effect size which is called eta-square) explains how the total variance of the dependent variant of the independent variable. In the attitude variable, it is understood that the effect between pre-test and post-test is small. This can be explained by the fact that the duration of the applied experimental process is six weeks. Writing is an action that requires continuity. The fact that students do regular writing exercises also indicates that they can write more qualified writing. It can be said that the students started to love their writing studies more with the writing method by generating a word net. It can be seen that when they form a word net, they produce more ideas and they can write more easily. It can be said that the students who stated that they were bored with writing had more fun while they formed the word net and they were more willing to participate in the studies. Positive increase of tendency in attitudes can be considered as an indication of effectiveness of the method. Students' self-efficacy of writing seems to increase their average scores by about 6.2% after applying the word net method. It can be alleged that this situation derives from the applied word net method. It can be said that the method of writing by generating a word net has improved the self-efficacy beliefs of students in writing a text that is wellphased and designed by students as a regular introduction, development and conclusion. It is observed that students are experiencing some problems in writing an attractive introduction, advancing their thoughts, supporting them with subsidiary thoughts, and consequently having a proper context. It can be said that the method helps the students in this regard. Although there are many studies on self-efficacy when the literature is scanned, it is seen that these studies are mostly about science, English and computer teacher candidates or teachers. However, there is no study on the word self-efficacy perception of primary school students. From this point of view, the study shows that the word net can improve the writing attitudes and writing self-efficacy perceptions of creative writing methods in written expression studies at primary level. In Turkey, considering literature the study of Inal (2006) clustering technique in order to determine the effect of students on course success and student attitudes in foreign language teaching has shown that the pre-cluster strategy directly increases the attitude of the students, but this difference is not statistically significant. The results of our study and Inal (2006) 's results are in parallel. In the attitude variable, the indication of efficacy of the method can be accepted if the effect level between the pre-test and the post-test is small but has a positive tendency to increase. Durukafa (1992) reached the conclusion that students were able to express themselves in a more confident manner in their ability to express themselves in writing when writing a creative composition by applying the cluster method. The increase in self-efficacy scores in favour of posttest in our study is in parallel with Durukafa (1992). Hamaratlı (2015) points out that 52.9% of the students in the experimental group of word net application defended the idea of "It helped me where to start", in the study of foreign students trying to determine the effects of the word net method on the writing skill and motivation of the students in teaching Turkish. The data obtained from our study with this data is parallel. According to the results of self-efficacy post-test, the ninth item has a statistically significant difference in our study. Students have made progress in writing letters with a regular introduction, development and conclusion.Writing is an action that requires continuity. It can be said that writing works can be done regularly and constantly, by the application of creative writing techniques. In this research, teaching and application of the word net method in primary schools should be widespread. It can be suggested that this method be taught to the prospective teachers in higher education and this method should be investigated more spreading with control group and longer period. The method name can also be given as the name of the "cluster" as Türkel and Kitiş used.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem
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