Sigara, tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de yaygın bir alışkanlık olmakla beraber önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. İnsan sağlığını ciddi şekilde tehdit eden sigaranın toplumun geneli tarafından sağlığa zararlı olduğu kabul edilmesine rağmen, tüketilmeye devam edilmektedir. Üstelik sadece içen kişiye değil aynı zamanda dumanına maruz kalanların da sağlığına zarar vermektedir. İnsana hiçbir faydası olmadığı halde her yaştan, her meslekten kadın erkek, birçok insan tarafından kullanılan bir zehirdir. Bedensel, ruhsal ve ekonomik açıdan kullananları olumsuz etkileyen sigaranın zararları konusunda toplumu bilgilendirme ve bilinçlendirmeye yönelik çalışmaların yapılması elzemdir. Halk sağlığı için ciddi tehdit oluşturan sigaranın tüketimini azaltmak maksadıyla gerek özel gerekse kamu kuruluşlarında sigara içme alışkanlığının saptanması, kurum ve kuruluşların yöneticilerinin alacakları kararlarda referans niteliği taşıyacaktır. Bu çalışma, kamu kurumlarında görev yapan personelin sigara kullanım alışkanlıklarını ve kullanım düzeylerini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen verilere, Konya il merkezinde çeşitli kamu kurumlarında görev yapan, amaçlı örneklem yoluyla, 350 kişi üzerinde yapılan araştırma sonucu ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, sigaraya başlamada özenti ilk sırada yer alırken, sigaraya başlama yaşının 18 yaş altında olduğu görülmektedir. Araştırmada ulaşılan diğer bir sonuca göre, araştırmaya katılanların büyük bir kısmı sigaraya başladığına pişman olmuştur. Araştırmada ortaya çıkan bir başka sonuç ise, kapalı alanlarda sigara içme yasağının hayata geçmesiyle birlikte katılımcıların içtikleri sigara sayısında azalma olduğudur


Smoking is an important health problem as well as being a common habit in our country as it is all over the world. Although cigarette, which seriously threatens human health, is considered to be harmful to the health of the population by the general public, continues to be consumed. Moreover not only the person who smokes but also the health of those who are exposed to the smoke is affected. It is a poison that is used by many people, men and women from all ages and professions, although it has no benefit for human beings. It is essential to make efforts to inform the public about the harms of the cigarette which negatively affects the users physically, spiritually and economically. In order to reduce the consumption of the smoking cigarette, which is a serious threat to public health, the smoking habit in public and private institutions will be reference for the decisions of the administrators of institutions and organizations. This study aims to determine the usage habits and usage levels of the personnel employed in public institutions. The data obtained in this study were reached via the research made on over 350 people through purposeful sampling in various public institutions in Konya province centre. According to the results of the study, it is observed that the age to start smoking is under 18 years old while the wannabe is the first place in the taking up of cigarette. According to other result that was reached in the survey, a large part of the participants in the research regretted to start smoking cigarettes. Another result of the study is the reduction in the number of cigarettes consumed by the participants thanks to the ban on smoking in closed areas Smoking, which has become an indispensable part of most people's lives, is one of the most important factors that trigger health problems in our country and in the world. The damages that a person who smokes cigarette inflicts to himself or herself and environment has been proven many times. Smoking addiction is not an ordinary and innocent addiction. On the contrary, it is a very severe, potent and dangerous disease. Cigarette is a harmful substance for the entire body. Cigarette has a price paid not only by smokers but also by nonsmokers. The dimensions of the addiction patterns of smokers may also vary from person to person. While some of these addictions are easily overcome, some cannot quit smoking, even if they have cancer in their organs or limbs. Smoking is a difficult habit to leave because of physical and psychological dependence. Especially, when these two factors come side by side, this situation becomes even more difficult. It is necessary to break both habit and nicotine addiction in order to quit smoking. In other words, both psychological and physiological struggle are needed. While some people smoke cigarettes for nicotine, some people enjoy smoking cigarettes in their hands. Quitting smoking requires time and effort. It is very difficult for a person to leave without any help from anybody with own will (Kutlu, 2002: 46). The relationship between the cigarette, which is loved by many people, and the word of death that scares everyone are found side by side because one is seem as the reason the other is result and has deeply a meaning (Arı, 1982: 119)For this reason, the damage of the cigarette has been constantly discussed. Especially for the first time the some damages of the cigarette began to be discussed clearly and seriously in the late 1800s as a result of the development of medicine. However, these discussions attracted little interest because the tobacco had a 'glorious', 'clean' history of 350 years. This situation caused the spread of tobacco throughout the world. (Atasoy, 2008: 19). However, especially from 1900 until 1960 a significant number of deaths due to smoking cigarette have been observed in many countries, particularly in the USA, allowing for a closer examination of the relationship between smoking and cancer. (Eysenck, 2000: 33). According to some scientific calculations made, it is claimed that the amount of smoke coming from the burning of a gram of tobacco in the cigarette is about 650-700 cm. It is thought that about 10 percent of the amount coming in mouth.( Babuna ve Bayhan, 2009: 100). Body decay of smokers are faster than non-smokers. Because, besides physiological wearing, thousands of poisonous substances in cigarettes and tobacco disturb organs and their physiological work, preventing the cells of the body from renewing themselves. (Babuna ve Bayhan, 2009: 101). Although cigarette is known for having many such and such harmful effects, people continue to smoke it. (Keyishian, 2003, 11). People usually only have to quit smoking if they have a very serious health problem, in this situation that is generally too late (Luch, 2009: 98). Of course, cigarette smoking is one of the important problems that must be resolved. The rate of smoking among people is high, so the illness and mortality rate due to cigarette is also high. A total effort is needed to reduce the negative effect of cigarette on people. Cigarette using rates and harms can be minimized through governmental practices, institutional studies and individual efforts. In this study, it was aimed to determine the dimensions of the smoking habits of the personnel who work in the public organization in Konya province centre and the factors that are effective in the acquisition of smoking habits.Purpose and importance in study The main purpose of the study is to determine the cigarette habits of personnel working in the workplace in Konya, to determine what the factors are and which level the habit is. While the smoking habits of the personnel employed in public institutions are revealed in Konya, the study is important that the incidence of cigarette usage in public institutions, smoking reasons and related awareness. Method and sample A field research was conducted in public institutions in Konya, where everyone in public institutions is allowed to have smoking habits and validity. In this study; Centre and Konya centre (Selçuklu, Karatay and Meram) were selected. The number of public personnel working in the centre of Konya is 32,405. The sample was taken as an example. Public personnel and nonsmokers were excluded. For this purpose, the public did not smoke for the primary use of those who did not work. The survey was conducted by interviewing participants face to face with the title The study included 390 questionnaires and 350 questionnaires were considered suitable for form analysis. Methods of collecting data and tools A questionnaire consisting of 45 questions was prepared to identify participants' smoking habits. In the questionnaire, 29 questions were applied in 4 different categories in likert type of 5. Scale, Definitely agree 5, Agree 4, Undecided 3, disagree 2, Never agree 1, created with intervals. In the questionnaire, between 1 and 10 'table marking' methods were used to measure nicotine addiction and addiction to the cigarette brand. The measurement was made at the lowest level (1), the highest level (10). In addition, several questions in the questionnaire were applied as multiple choices. The questions that revealed the socio-demographic characteristics of the interviewed people were included in the last part of the questionnaire. Analysis of data The survey was conducted between February 1 and February 28, 2016. The data obtained as a result of the study were processed in electronic environment using the SPPSS 17 Statistical Program. In the analysis of the data; the frequency distributions were taken as a basis in order to reveal the demographic characteristics of the respondents and some information about smoking dependence and usage. Also in the research, according to the gender of participants, whether they differ between the components for level of nicotine addiction and factors of choosing cigarette were calculated by the Independent Sample T-Test. Responses to the questionnaire, evaluation and research findings Under this heading, some characteristics of the participants are evaluated first, then the results of the questionnaire about smoking habits are given. Finally, the participants' smoking addiction levels and the results of time period that they used most are discussed. Participants (demographic) characteristics Some of the demographics of participants, cigarette addiction, and smoking were as follows; Looking at the percentage distribution of the participants, 56.3 percent of the respondents were male and 43.7 percent were female. It seems having a little extra in favor of men among partipants; It can be seen that the sample does not have a very uneven distribution in terms of gender, and that analysis can be done. When the descriptive statistics of the age distribution are examined, it is found that the participants with the lowest 24 and the highest 55 were interviewed. The average age of the respondents is 38.3 and the standard deviation of the distribution is 6.47. While 0,6% of the participants are primary school graduates, 0,9% are junior high school graduates, 20% are high school graduates, 76,6% are university graduates and 2% are postgraduates. Public personnels who took part in the research expressed opinions about how long they have been smoking cigarette,0.3 percent is less than 1 year, 1.7 percent is between 1 and 5 years, 11.7 percent is between 6 and 10 years, 21.4 percent 11 to 15 years, while 64.9 percent said they had 16 years and over. The lowest age at starting smoking is 13, while the highest age at starting smoking is 30. The average age of participants for starting cigarette was 17,30 with a standard deviation of 2.39. According to gender, the average age of starting smoking in males is 17.45, while in females it is 17.10. When we look at the descriptive statistical results of the expenditures of the participants on the monthly average cigarette, the lowest expenditure is 30 TL, the highest expenditure is 450 TL. According to these results, the monthly average expenditure of the participants is 212 TL. The standard deviation of monthly average expenditure is; It is 68.13. Participants who participated in the survey expressed about how many cigarettes they have been smoking in a day; 18 percent 'between 1 and 10', 61,1 percent between '11 and 20 'and 19,1 percent between' 21 and 30 ' 1,7 means '31' and they smoke over. Discussion and conclusion (results) Both we examine our works and other works done in this area, smokers agree with the harm of the cigarette. However, when it comes to quitting smoking, it is understood that smokers aren’t willing It seems that the best way to combat cigarette smoking is to prevent starting smoking. It may be possible with total effort; an individual, family, manager, etc. With social awareness, among the first things to be done are expansion of prohibitions on the sale and usage of cigarettes, emphasizing the physical, psychological and material effects of cigarette smoking through mass media, and facilitating the accessibility of cigarette addiction treatment. In this study, habits of using cigarette of public employees and the levels of smoking dependence were tried to be revealed. However, the (negative) effects of smoking on the individual were also investigated. For the participants involved in the survey, wannabe is the most important reason for starting smoking in the first place. Wannabe is mostly seen in adolescents and that participants' average age of starting cigarette smoking is 17.3 and that the age groups start to use cigarette in adolescence are important that with regard to the results of the research. In the study, the most frequent smoking times of participants were also identified. Employees in public establishments usually consume cigarette after tea and coffee, the second class consumes cigarettes while drinking tea or coffee. The employees of the public institutions prefer cigarette the least when the works are heavy. According to another finding in the study; It was concluded that the nicotine addiction status of participants was moderate. Moreover, there was no significant difference in nicotine addiction level according to the sex of participants. The cigarette brand dependency used by the participants was 6.78 and did not show any significant difference with respect to sex as it was with nicotine dependence. According to the survey, 41,7% of the participants said that they could leave the cigarette only if they encounter any disease. This is followed by family health problems. Family and environmental pressure have the least importance among conditions of quitting cigarette for participants. In closed areas, 63,1 percent of public officials say "there is a decrease in the number of cigarettes that I smoke " together with smoking ban. The percentage of those who say "no change in the number of cigarettes I smoked" together with the ban was 35,4 percent, and the rate of those who said "the number of cigarettes I smoked increased" together with the prohibition is only 1,4 percent. With smoking ban in closed areas has a positive effect on 63,1 percent that law shows the importance of reducing usage of cigarette. 'Is it difficult to smoke in closed areas?' 73,7 percent of the respondents indicated that they were not able to smoke in these areas and 26,3 percent said that they did not have any difficulties because they couldn’t smoke where smoking is prohibited.As a result of these, when the laws were enacted, it seems that those who participated in the investigation were not able to smoke because of the illegality, and this difficulties are also an important factor in decreasing smoking the cigarette. The public sector employees involved indicated that the most effective element when choosing cigarettes is the pleasure from cigarettes and the other following is price of cigarette. The least effective factor in the choice of the cigarette is domestic or foreign brands of cigarettes. While there is no significant difference between these preferences and gender, there is a significant relationship between the appearance of the cigarette package and the brand of cigarette and gender. When the women choose a cigarette, they pay more attention to the appearance of the cigarette package and to the cigarette brand than to men. In another question, the participants who were asked about reasons of smoking stated that they used cigarettes mostly because they enjoyed smoking and secondly they stated that cigarettes relieve themselves. The lowest response among reasons of smoking cigarettes is believed that losing weight by using cigarette. It is not suprising that option to believe that you lose weight by smoking is on the last row. As a result, this study, is one of the few works done in Turkey to reveal the habits of using cigarette by public employees, With researches in the future in different regions and different samples can provide both literate expansion and making cross-research comparisons be more feasible
