Teknolojik gelişim ürün ve hizmet üretimini artırmakta ve tüketicilerin, bu ürün ve hizmetlere daha kolay ulaşmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu süreçte ortaya çıkan rekabet, işletmelerin yalnızca üretime değil, aynı zamanda sunuma da önem vermesini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Çünkü müşteri, iletişim imkanlarındaki gelişmeye paralel olarak daha fazla bilgi sahibi olan ve daha fazla talep eden bir statüye kavuşmaktadır. Bu nedenle işletmeler, müşteri odaklı bir üretim sürecini benimsemek zorunda kalmaktadır. Türkiye'deki uygulamaları açısından son yıllarda sağlık sektöründe önemli gelişmeler meydana gelmiştir. Bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişim nedeniyle ucuzlayan sağlık hizmeti ve yapılan yasal düzenlemelerin etkisiyle özel hastanelerden hizmet alan hasta sayısı her geçen gün daha da artmaktadır. Dolayısıyla sağlık hizmeti üretim sürecinde hasta memnuniyeti hastane yönetimleri açısından önemle üzerinde durulan bir konu haline gelmektedir. Hasta memnuniyetinin oluşmasında alınan sağlık hizmeti kadar hastaların hastanede karşılaştığı davranış ve ortamlar da önemlidir. Bu çalışma, hasta karşılama hizmetlerinin hastane itibarına etkisini ele almaktadır. Türkiye'deki özel hastanelerden sağlık hizmeti alanların hastanelerdeki fiziki mekan, temizlik ve personel davranışı gibi faktörlere bağlı olarak özel hastane algısı incelenmektedir. Türkiye'nin farklı illerinde gönüllü anketörler aracılığıyla uygun örnekleme yöntemiyle ulaşılan örneklem kümesine uygulanan bir anketle veriler toplanmıştır. Çalışmada ilk önce özel hastanelerde hasta karşılama hizmetleri "ilk karşılama", "temizlik ve hijyen", "doktor" ve "fiziki yönlendirme" olmak üzere dört başlıkta tanımlanmıştır. Daha sonra bu faktörlerin araştırmaya katılanların özel hastane algısı üzerindeki etkisi ele alınmıştır. Yapılan analizlerde, "temizlik ve hijyen" ve "fiziki yönlendirme" faktörlerinin araştırmaya katılanların özel hastane algısında daha fazla anlamlı bir etki oluşturduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Buna karşın "Doktor" faktörü özel hastanelere dönük toplam algı üzerinde oldukça az oranda anlamlı bir etki yapmaktadır


Technological development increases the production of goods and services and makes easier accessing to these products and services of consumers. Competition emerging in this process necessitates that businesses value not only to production but also to presentation. Because, consumers have a quality that they have more information and demand more as parallel to the development in the communication space. For these reason, business have to adopt a customer-oriented production process. In recent years, important progresses in the health sector of Turkey have occurred. The number of patients who receive service from private hospitals is increasing day by day because of the health services which are cheaper due to scientific and technological developments, and legal regulations. Therefore, patient satisfaction in health care production process has become a matter of importance in terms of hospital management. In comprise of patient satisfaction, the behaviours and environments that the patients meet in the hospital are important as well as the received health care. This paper deals with the impact of patient welcome services to hospital reputation. The private hospital perception of those who receive the health care service from private hospitals in Turkey is studied depending on factors such as the physical environment, cleaning, and personnel behaviour. The data is collected through a questionnaire applied to the sample which reached by convenience sampling methodwith volunteer interviewers in different city of Turkey. In the study, the first, patient welcome services in private hospitals are defined in four titles as “first welcome”, “hygiene and cleaning”, “doctor”, and “physical guidance”. Afterwards, impact of these factors on the private hospital perception of those who participated in the survey is analysed. Analyses indicate that “hygiene and cleaning” and physical guidance” factors have a more significant impact on the private hospital perception of those who participated to survey. On the other hand, “doctor” factor have a quite a little significant impact on total perception of those who participated to survey about private hospitals. Technological development increases the production of goods and services and makes easier accessing to these products and services of consumers. Competition emerging in this process necessitates that businesses value not only to production but also to presentation. Because, consumers have a quality that they have more information and demand more as parallel to the development in the communication space. For these reason, business have to adopt a customer-oriented production process. In recent years, important progresses in the health sector of Turkey have occurred. The number of patients who receive service from private hospitals is increasing day by day because of the health services which are cheaper due to scientific and technological developments, and legal regulations. Therefore, patient satisfaction in health care production process has become a matter of importance in terms of hospital management. In comprise of patient satisfaction, the behaviours and environments that the patients meet in the hospital are important as well as the received health care. This paper deals with the impact of patient welcome services to hospital reputation. The private hospital perception of those who receive the health care service from private hospitals in Turkey is studied depending on factors such as the physical environment, cleaning, and personnel behaviour. The data is collected through a questionnaire applied to the sample which reached by convenience sampling method with volunteer interviewers in different city of Turkey. In this study, the patient welcome factors which are defined as “first welcome”, “cleaning and hygiene”, “doctor”, and “physical guidance” were described as “cleaning and hygiene”, “doctor”, “information and guidance”, “allied health personnel” and ““physical guidance” in the paper done by Güllüpunar (2016, 87) in the context of public hospitals. The "first welcome" factor, determined in this study, is a combination of the “allied health personnel” and “information and guidance” factors in Güllüpunar’s study. Therefore welcome services in the period from hospital entrance to reach the doctor who is received the actual health care are defined as “first welcome”. Otherwise, the averages of the factors reveal that the private hospitals have higher patient satisfaction than the public hospitals in terms of the patient welcome services. In the study, a scale of 11 items was used to determine the general perceptions of those who participated in the survey on private hospitals. Averages of 11 items show that perceptions about private hospitals were generally positive. The highest positive perception about private hospitals has been realized in the following items: "private hospitals are open to change and innovation" and "high quality doctors work in private hospitals". When Güllüpunar's (2016: 93) study on public hospitals is examined, it is seen that the positive perception for private hospitals is higher than public hospitals. When the private hospitals are compared to the public hospitals, the private hospitals have a more positive perception on valuing to human being, sound management, vision, and change and openness than the public hospitals. On the other hand, public hospitals have a more positive perception in terms of going to hospital without hesitation and not to make environmental pollution. Therefore, it can be said that patients generally have a higher satisfaction about private hospitals. The main topic of the study is whether patient welcome services affect the general perception of those who participated in the survey about private hospitals. Analyses indicate that the “cleaning and hygiene” and “physical guidance” factors have a more significant impact on the private hospital perception of those who participated to survey. Therefore, it can be said that the factors which originate from the atmosphere in the private hospitals have a more significant effect on the general perception of patient about the private hospital. Because, the significant impact of received services through any staff such as the “first welcome” and “doctor” factors on the overall perceptions realizes less. Another important result is that the "doctor" factor only has a significant effect on an item about private hospitals. The “doctor” factor is one of the most important factors affecting perception about public hospitals in the study of Güllüpunar (2016: 99-108). This reveals to the fact that doctors are less important in terms of welcome services in private hospitals. Patient welcome services significantly explain the change in 11 general perceptions about private hospitals at rates varying from 19 to 27 percent. Perceptions which are explained by patient welcome services at the highest level are following that: “private hospitals value the human beings", "private hospitals are managed well”, and "private hospitals are open to change and innovation". On the other hand, perceptions that are explained with the lowest rates are "private hospitals do not pollute environment", "qualified doctors work in private hospitals", and "private hospitals are sincere in health care". Therefore, it can be said that patient welcome services in private hospitals have a higher effect on perceptions of hospital valuing to human being, quality management, and innovative hospital. When it is dealt with the patient welcome factors affecting general perceptions about private hospitals, the following results are achieved:  The "Private hospitals produce quality service." perception is significantly influenced by the "cleaning and hygiene" factor. A clean and hygienic environment at the hospital significantly affects the perception of producing quality service.  The “Private hospitals give confidence to patient.” perception is significantly influenced by the “cleaning and hygienic” and “physical guidance” factors.  The “When I am sick, I go to the private hospital without hesitation.” perception is significantly affected by the "cleaning and hygiene "and "doctor" factors. The “doctor” factor has only a significant effect on this perception. Therefore, doctors are one of the reasons to go to the hospital by trust shows a positive reaction to doctors working in private hospitals.  The “Private hospitals do not pollute the environment." perception is significantly influenced by the "physical guidance" and "cleaning and hygiene" factors. That this perception is affected by “cleaning and hygiene” factor can be interpreted as an important result. Because, as long as belief that the hospital is clean and hygienic grows stronger, the perception that private hospitals do not pollute the environment increases.  The “Private hospitals value to human being.” perception is significantly affected by the "first welcome", "cleaning and hygiene", and "physical guidance". The factor affecting the highest is “the first welcome” factor. Thereby, it can be said that welcome services which are provided by the staff are more influential than physical atmosphere on the “valuing to human being” perception.  The “Private hospitals are well managed." perception is significantly affected by the "first welcome", "physical guidance", and "cleaning and hygiene" factors. This conclusion indicates that the welcome services the patient received before reaching the doctor affect the perception of the quality of the hospital's management.  The “Quality doctors work in private hospitals.” perception is significantly influenced by "physical guidance" factor. Although it is thought that the “doctor” factor should be a significant factor on this perception, such a conclusion could not be achieved.  The "Private hospitals are sincere in health care." perception is significantly influenced by “physical guidance” and "first welcome" factors.  The "Private hospitals are adequate and competent" perception is significantly affected by "cleaning and hygiene" and "physical guidance" factors. Therefore it can be said that hospital atmosphere is important in terms of perception that private hospitals are adequate and competent.  The "Private hospitals have a visionary view." perception is significantly affected by the "physical guidance" and "cleaning and hygiene" factors.  The "Private hospitals are open to change and innovation." perception is significantly affected by the "cleaning and hygiene" and "first welcome" factors.
