Bu makale Harput İç Kalesi'nde 2014 yılında gerçekleştirdiğimiz arkeolojik kazılarda elde edilen mimari ve taşınabilir kültür varlıklarının bir bölümünün bilim dünyasına tanıtılmasını amaçlamaktadır. Harput İç Kalesinin ortasında Prof. Dr. Veli SEVİN' in bilimsel danışmanlığında, 2005- 2009 yılları arasında kazılar yapılmıştır. 2014 yılında yeniden başlatılan kazılar, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü'nün izni ile Elazığ Müze Müdürlüğü'nün başkanlığında Doç. Dr. İsmail AYTAÇ'ın bilimsel danışmanlığında gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2014 yılında arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları üç farklı bölgede yapılmıştır. Bunlar 1. Bölge Artuklu Sarayı'nın önü, 3. Bölge Belek Burcu ve çevresi, ayrıca Belek Burcu'nun doğusundaki tonozlu mekândır. 1. Bölgede 300 ve 3. Bölgede 300 m2 olmak üzere 600 m2alanda kazı yapılmıştır. 3. Bölgede yaklaşık 2-4m arasındaki dolgu kaldırılarak 11 mekân tespit edilmiştir. Bazı mekânların maden işleme ve satış dükkânları oldukları, çıkarılan maden eritme potaları, ok uçları, kapı aksamlarından anlaşılmaktadır. genişliğinde giriş tespit edilmiştir. Bu mekânda mancınık güllesi (taşı) ile duvar süslemesinde kullanıldığı düşünülen, boyalı ve kabartmalı sekiz adet alçı pano bulunmuştur. 3-A2 açmasında bir cam bilezik ve silindir kesme mavi bir boncuğa rastlanmıştır. Kazı sezonu sonunda 19.12.2014/2859 karar tarihi ve sayılı yazısıyla Diyarbakır Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Bölge Kurulu Kararı ile 1. Bölge Sarayönü açmaları (B1-B2-B3) ve 3. Bölge Belek Burcu Önü açmalarının (A1-A2-B1) üstleri koruma amaçlı geçici olarak ahşap direkli sac çatı ile kapatılmıştır. Daha önce izni alınıp konservasyonu yapılan duvarların yıpranan bölümleri düzeltilmiştir. Harput İç Kalesinin şimdiye kadar bilinen Urartu Döneminden önceye gittiğinin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Buluntular Geç Demir Çağı, sırasıyla Urartu, Roma, Bizans, Anadolu Selçuklu, Artuklu, Akkoyunlu ve Osmanlı Dönemlerine aittir


The purpose of this article is presenting the part of architetural and portable cultural presences that obtained from archeological excavations in Harput Inner Castle at 2014 to the science world. Under the Elazığ Museum Department's chairmansip and Prof. Dr. Veli Sevin's scientific consultancy, excavations are made in Harput Castle's inner section between the years of 2005 and 2009. The excavation restarted between the 22 August 2014 - 30 December 2014, permission of the Ministy of Culture and Tourism's General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museum, under the Elazığ Museum Department's chairmanship and Assoc. Dr. Ismail Aytaç's scientific consultancy. The archeological excavations were made in three different area in Harput Castle's inner section in 2014: front of the Artuklu Castle, Belek Tower and its around, and vaulty places of Belek Tower's east. Excavations were made in the third district (vaulty places of Belek Tower's east), nearly 300 m2 area. 11 different-size places were detected after the removal of 2-4m filling. According to the findings like mine melting pots, arrow cusps and door parts, it was understood that some places used to be a sell shops and mine works. After the taking photos, place cleaning and quadrature working of 2014 Harput Inner Castle - 10x10m quadrature work have made, the place that known as Artukid Palace (Photo 1). Excavations in A section have stopped at 2014 because the danger of stone falling at palace building. For the get rid of the excavation soil of B section's ground, 10 cm-level have determined, and after, the necessary works have made. At the first workday, the 4.50m x3.50m and 10cm-level soil layer have cleaned from the northwest side to southeast side of the section. The walls reaching out the north-south way, following the section's northeast wall. And the other wall have create a corner with intersecting the walls that reaching north-south and east-west direction, in the middle of section (Photo 2). The mostly found artifacts are the ceramics and ceramics with glaze. Seljuks, Beyliks and Ottoman era ceramics have found in every section, mostly in fragments. Those are kitchen stuff and pipos. Other important artifacts are metal examples. Door pieces, arrow tops are mostly seen. Lots of coins have found in every section that are belongs to Byzantium era to Republic of Turkey era. Almost all of coins are copper. Also the mine drosses are parts of the excavation artifacts. Besides, numerous glassy braceled have found in the excavations. A whole glazy oil lamp have found at the 1. Area B2 section. The location of this artifact is northwest 5.70cm - 1.70m. code x southwest 8.00m, 1.50m code, and the distance with north excavation wall is 30cm. In this excavation work: a bronze ring that belongs to Ottoman era, eight bead, one necklace top, a copper coin that belongs 13. century and a copper coin that belongs to late Ottoman era have found, as an inventory. Beside of it; two glassy bracelet piece, three terracotta tobacco pipe, normal and glazed oil lamps (Photo 3), a coin that dates back to 13.century, a copper Byzantium coin have found, as an inventory. The artifacts like that seen before at former excavations in the Ottoman neighborhoods and inside of cistern. Piece of glassy bracelet, door hook and Artuqid coins have been found in 20 cm depth at 3-A1 section. A glassy bracelet piece, ring, coin, grind stone, arrow cusp, stove and ornaments have been found in 3-A2 section. In 3-A2 section, between the Tower and north-east walls, 2 metal rings have been found. And also a blacky-wall stove have been found. Ornamental metal pieces and a stove have been found in the 3-A2 section. Metal melting pots in three different sizes, in the section's northeast side. After the digging the ground of domed place in Belek Tower, four different historical periods have been detected. In the northwest side of place; 75 cm width enterance, catapultball and 8 painted and embossed plaster board that thought to have been used for wall ornament have been found. In 3-A2 section, glassy bracelet and blue cylinder glass-bead have been found. Four different periods were detected after the excavations of site floor with dome in Belek Tower. 75 cm-width enterance have been found at site's north-east corner. A catapult stone and eight painted and embossed plaster panel that supposed to used for wall decoration have been found. A glass bracelet and rolled blue bead have been found in the 3-A2 section. After the final of excavation season, top of the 1. Zone of Sarayönü Excavation Site (B1-B2-B3) and 3. Zone of Belek Tower Excavation Site (A1-A2-B1) were closed by metal sheet with wooden stake just for protection, in the decision of Diyarbakır Region Assembly of Protection of Culture Properties, article 19.12.2014/2859. The worned out parts of the walls were fixed after the necessary permissions granted and conservations done. Excavations was made between 2005 and 2009 years at the Harput Inner Castle. Excavations initiated again by ours at 2014, and 14.250 artifacts have found (Table 1). Everyday goods like coins, normal and glazed ceramics, arrow tops, textile parts, necklaces, glass bracelets and tobacco pipes have found that belongs Byzantium, Artukids, Anatolian Seljuks and Beyliks era. But it is taking attention that the artifacts that delivered to museum is few. In other words, sturdy artifacts is are small parts in all foundings. It is important to determine that Harput Inner Castle's historical period is older than Urartu Period. Artifacts belong to Late Iron Period, Urartu, Roma, Byzantine, Artuqid, Ag Qoyunlu and Ottoman Periods, in return. Excavations was continue in 2015 and 2016. Cleaning and anastilosis works of architetural buildings and small artifacts have completed. Current status of excavation is restoration and implementation of project. Archeological excavations have continue and the restoration works of southern walls of castle and Ottoman neighborhoods will start 2016. Promotion of Harput and its castle is continue, and the works of acceptance of Harput to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage's stand-by list is started.


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