Osmanlı dönemi Tasavvuf düşüncesinin, Anadolu ve Balkanlarla yakından ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Dönemin sosyal ve siyasal şartlarına, coğrafyanın iktisadi ve kültürel durumuna göre farklılıklar olsa bile bu çizgi değişmemiştir. Ahmed Yesevî'nin mısralarında yer alan pek çok konuyu Yunus Emre tekrarlamış, aynı sada yüzlerce sûfinin himmet ve gayretleriyle Edirne, Sofya, Üsküp, Belgrat ve Bosna'da yankı bulmuştur. XIII. yüzyılda Hacı Bektaş Veli düşüncesi Türkmen Dede ve Babaları ile Oğuz boylarına bağlı oymak, aşiret ve oba gibi sosyal birimlere taşınırken aynı yüzyılda bu düşüncenin temsilcileri Balkan coğrafyasına da ulaşmışlardır. Bektaşilik öğretisinin Balkanlar'daki gelişimi, Anadolu'daki ilerleyişine paralel olmuştur. Bu çalışma, Balkanlar'da Bektaşi öğretisini yaymakla büyük bir ün salmış ve Kanuni devrinde katıldığı Budin Seferi'nde şehit düşmüş olan Gülbaba'nın hayatını, Balkan Bektaşiliğindeki yerini, etkisini ve onun "Feyzname-i Misâlî Gülbaba" adlı manzum eserindeki Bektaşilik izlerini içeren bir içerik analizini kapsamaktadır. Eser hakkında şu ana kadar sadece üç çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar; metin incelemesi, çeviri ve eleştirel bir makaleden ibarettir. Oysa Kanuni döneminde gerek Osmanlı'da gerekse Balkanlar'da büyük bir etkiye sahip olan ve hala Macaristan'da Türkiye'den daha çok tanınan ve türbesi bu gün bile ziyeretçi akınına uğrayan Gülbaba hakkındaki bilgilerin toparlanarak onun Balkan Bektaşiliğine etkisinin ortaya konulması ve bir Bektaşi bakış açısıyla "Feyzname-i Misâlî Gülbaba" adlı eserindeki inanç ve ibadetle ilgili düşüncelerinin su yüzüne çıkarılması onunla ilgili kısıtlı bilgilere önemli katkı sağlayacaktır. Çalışma, Gülbaba'nın Balkanlar'daki etkisini ortaya koymayı ve adı geçen eserinde işlediği konuların analizini yaparak Gülbaba'nın İslami düşüncelerini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Nitel araştırma olarak planlanan çalışmada veriler doküman incelenmesi yoluyla elde edilip içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Gülbaba'nın Balkanlar'da özellikle Macaristan'da çok iyi tanındığı ve hala etkisinin ve sevgisinin Bektaşiler üzerinde sürdüğü, ona büyük bir saygı ve hürmet beslendiği, türbesinin gerek Balkanlar gerekse Balkanlar dışından gelen birçok ziyaretçinin uğrak yeri olduğu, çalışmaya konu olan eserinde, özellikle insanın yaratılış sırlarını, temel İslam esaslarını, insanın yaratılış gayesi gibi konuları Hurufilik metodlarını kullanarak ama İslam çerçevesi içinde kalarak manzum bir şekilde işlediği görülmüştür


It is well known that Sufi thought in Ottoman era was closely linked to Anatolia and Balkans. Despite the varying social, political, geographical, economic and cultural conditions of the time, the Sufi line did not change: The themes in Ahmad Yassawi’s poetry were repeated by Yunus Emre and the same message was echoed in Edirne, Sofia, Skopje, Belgrade and Bosnia, thanks to the efforts of hundreds of Sufis. In the 13th century, Haji Bektash Wali’s ideas were being transferred to Oghuz social units namely oymaks, ashirats and obas, while the proponents of the same ideas arrived in Balkans. The rise of this tradition in Balkans is concurrent with its advance in Anatolia. Gulbaba was a very famous Sufi in Balkans and finally became a martyr in the Battle of Buda during the reign of Suleiman I. This paper deals with the life of Gulbaba and his place in Balkan Bektashism and includes a content analysis of his “Fayznamah-e Misal-e Gulbaba” with a focus on the traces of Bektashism in it. The work in question is remarkable for describing the tenets of Hurufi doctrine and for its plain literary style. There are only two academic works on this opus and they are limited to translation and textual study. It is believed that concerning his reputation in Balkans and the rest of the Ottoman lands during the reign of Suleiman I and the fact that he is still much more popular in Hungary than he is in Turkey, the information on Gulbaba needs to be presented in an organized manner and his impact on Balkan Bektashism needs to be uncovered. Making a content analysis of “Fayznamah-e Misal-e Gulbaba” and introducing the details of Gulbaba’s ideas to the academic community are also important tasks. The aim of this paper is to categorize, classify and perform text analysis on the topics dealt with in Gulbaba’s opus and to show Gulbaba’s influence in the Balkans. Hence, this paper is a piece of qualitative research. The data is collected through document analysis method and then examined further. The paper reveals that Gulbaba is well-known in the Balkans and especially in Hungary, he is still loved, paid respect and followed as an example by Bektashis, his tomb is visited by a considerable number of people both from Balkan countries and from outside of Balkans and that in his opus, he tackles in verse, topics such as the secrets of man’s creation, the purpose of man’s creation and the tenets of Islam. The aim of the study is to reveal Gülbaba's Islamic ideas by revealing Gülbaba's influence in the Balkans and analyzing his works in his famous book Feyznâme-i Gülbaba. In qualitative research, the content of the document was analyzed and the content was analyzed. As a result of the research, it is seen that Gulbaba was very well known in the Balkans, especially in Hungary, and that his influence and love still continued on the Bektashis. Introduction and purpose of working This work has a great reputation for disseminating Bektashi teaching in the Balkans, and is an excellent example of the influence of Gülbaba's life, the place of Balkan Bektashism, and the Bektashism traces of his poem "Feyzname-i Misâlî Gülbaba" content analysis. So far only three studies have been done about the work. These studies; text review, translation, and a critical article. However, the fact that the information about Gülbaba is recovered and its effect on Balkan Bektashi is put forward and the fact that the thoughts about faith and worship in "Feyzname-i Misâlî Gülbaba" written in a Bektash view point will be taken into consideration will contribute to limited information about it. Conceptual / theoretical framework of work Gulbaba has an important place in Balkan Bektaşiliğinde. However, there are very few written sources except Gulbaba's stories based on the narrations about life. This study considers the inadequacy of studies on Gülbaba's place in Balkans Bektaşiliği and the work known as "Feyzname-i Misâlî Gülbaba" which is the most important work known as a problem. From this point of view, this work is important from the point of view of these two subjects, a detailed analysis of the work, collecting the latest information about Gülbaba and revealing his ideas. Until today, a master's thesis on this work has been prepared, three articles in series, and a critical article on these two works. 29 is still preparing a doctorate thesis on this mesnevi. The first work on this work is three articles named "Feyzname-i Misâli Gülbaba" which Hacı Yilmaz published as a series of latinize and a few pages of entries in the Ottoman period. However, in this study, the content of the work was not analyzed and only the translation was satisfactory. The other study is the master thesis made by Nimet Tohumcu under the name of "Misâlî's Kitâb-i Manzûme-i Feyzname-i İlâhi Mesnevisi (examination-text)". In this study, only reading was done. He published an article entitled "Feyzname-i Misâlî Neşirleri" which deals with these two works. Method In qualitative research, the content of the document was analyzed and the content was analyzed. In addition, the Gülbaba title and the scanned data were categorized and interpreted. this method is preferred because of the dis- tinctiveness and lack of information.In this work it was seen that Gülbaba made important contributions to spreading the Bektashi order in the Balkans, and the influence and love still continued. On the other hand, it is understood that Gülbaba's work is both a good example of a good understanding of Hurufism and one of the rare works of Bektashi literature. However, it should be noted that it is not possible to see the deviant and non-Islamic ideas of Hurufili in Gulbaba's work. It has been determined that he used Hurufism as a tool only to perform a mission in his work and never made a promise to go out of the Islamic line. As already mentioned in the article, Huruflik Bektaşiliği influenced, but not all of the Bektashis were influenced by Hurufilikten and some of its rules. Therefore, by looking at the content of the work and Gülbaba's works, we can easily say that he is not influenced by the negative aspects of Hurufism. This work has brought Gülbaba's little known work to the world of science, and that Gülbaba is not a non-Islamic speaker like other Hurufi poets, such as Nesimi, and that his work is written to describe the entire system of Islamic beliefs and worship , while doing so, he used Hurufic medots as a means. Compared with other studies, it is understood that the study is an original study. Because a large part of the findings in this study were obtained by making quotations from the work Feyzname and interpreting them. Results and suggestions Gulbaba is an important poet who has not adopted the Bektashi order. However, he has gained his greatest success with the success he has shown in communicating Islam in the Balkans. He was served by many great sultans and was eventually martyred in Hungary at the Budin Expedition. Such an important personality. It is a pity that the worthy value is not given. Because when we look at the sources, it seems that there is not enough knowledge about life and there is no serious research done. Therefore, it is necessary to make serious studies about Gülbaba and his works which will reveal his ideas. From here it is important to consider the views and thoughts of Gülbaba and one of his three works known as "Feyzname-i Misâl-i Gülbaba". It is necessary for researchers to reach more information and documents about Gulbaba and to further promote this historical and literary personality in the world of science. In addition, it is among the other important topics that the work which is the subject of the study is examined by the old Turkish literary people and the other dimensions of the work are revealed. On the other hand, the increase in academic work on the subject is another matter that will contribute to this issue. Ph.D. and master thesis can be given to different aspects of the work from previous Works.


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