Sosyolojinin ilgi alanına girmekte olan din ve milliyetçilik kavramları, yüklendikleri anlamlar ve bu anlamların toplumsal bir ifadesi olarak aynı zamanda bireylerin toplumsal yaşamdaki kimliklerini temsil etmektedir. Bireyin sosyal yaşamda temsili konusu; siyasal alandaki varlığını ve duruşunu da içerdiğinden kimlik kavramının siyasal tartışmalar ve politikalarla da sıkı bir ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede kimlik, din ve milliyetçilik kavramları ele alınmaktadır. Din ve milliyetçilik kavramlarının tarihsel süreç içinde tek tek fertlere ve toplumlara mal oluşu, bu kavramların; sosyal ve siyasi değişmeler neticesinde aydınlar tarafından tekrar ele alınarak yüklendikleri manaların değişimi ve birer mefkureye dönüşerek ideolojize olmaları; sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi arka planlarıyla entellektüellerin bu kavramları tekrar ele alışının sosyolojik önemi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu makalede 'milliyetçi kimlik' tekrar tartışma konusu olmaktadır. Bu vesileyle öncelikle "millet" ve "milliyetçilik" kavramlarının tarifi ve çerçevesi irdelenmiştir. Sonrasında, dini de yanına alarak insanlara kendini kabullendirebilmeyi amaçlayan milliyetçi hüviyetin Osmanlı'dan itibaren Türkiye'deki macerası izlenmiş "dinsel milliyetçi kimliğin" tarihi dönüm noktaları irdelenmiş ve Türk mütefekkirlerinin meseleye ilişkin fikirlerine yer verilerek dinsel milliyetçilik tartışmalarına katkıda bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle din, millet ve milliyetçilik kavramlarının çerçevesi incelenmiştir. Milliyetçiliğin dinsel formu ortaya konularak dinsel milliyetçiliğin tarihi durakları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde Türkiye'de dinsel milliyetçilik konusunda Nurettin Topçu, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek ve İsmet Özel değerlendirilmiştir


The concepts of religion and nationalism, which are of interest to sociology, mean what they mean by their implications and at the same time represent the identities of individuals in social life as a social expression. Representation of individual in social life; Political context and stance, the concept of identity is closely related to political debates and policies. In this article, the concepts of identity, religion and nationalism arediscussed. The concepts of religion and nationalism are the property of individuals and societies in the historical process; Social and political changes, the intellectuals rethink and reintegrate them into ideologies; Social, cultural and political backgrounds of the intellectuals, the sociological importance of reconsidering these concepts is emphasized. In this essay, 'nationalist identity' becomes a topic of discussion again. In this way, firstly the definition and framework of the concepts of "nation" and "nationalism" are examined. Afterwards, the nationalist identity which aims to accept the religion as well as the religion, has been examined and the historical turning points of the "religious nationalist identity" in Turkey have been examined since the Ottoman Empire. In the study, firstly the framework of the concepts of religion, nation and nationalism is examined. The religious form of nationalism has been put forward and attempts have been made to determine the historical stops of religious nationalism. In the last part of the study, Nurettin Topçu, Necip Fazil Kısakürek and İsmet Özel were evaluated on religious nationalism in Turkey. The revolution that is summarized as globalization brings together political and social identities becoming slippery, hybridization and alienation, pluralization. On one hand local invitations are printed on the other side while discussions continue in the direction of the end of the nations. In this confusion, the so-called 'nationalism' which is said to have introduced the subjective identities to the individuals is being discussed again. This study aims to follow the adventure of nationalism, which aims to attract people to religion by taking religion. The interdependent use of the notions of "dincilik" and "nationalism" in our country (especially in the left political jargon); More intense than that is the "reactionary-fascist" concepts of socialists. This twinning is based on an experiment that originated from the anticommunist reactionary environment of the period of '1960s-1980s', the most serious politicized of our country. And it reflects the ongoing effects of Kemalizmin on the left which is raised by kneading with experience. Lakin is not only able to illuminate the link between that experience, nationalism, and religious and religious ideology. It is neither theoretically possible nor practical in the current political plane. The religion that determines the axes of the map of meaning for the human world in the pre-modern era; Has been influential in shaping nationalist thoughts. On the contrary; Nation and nationalism constructions, the religious shaping of the religion has been determined. Those who advocate that religion is in ideology, or more precisely, that religious sentiment and thought are positioned as an ideology and a worldview as others, claim that it is rooted in the existence of religious nationalism. That the nationalist mindset transforms and maintains the religious imaginations, unlike the shallow modernist interpretations; Nationalism emphasizes many researchers. This is the main course of Benedict Anderson's Imaginary Congregations. Benedict Anderson regards the nation as a system that ensures the continuity of the religious community as a cultural order that transforms the fortress into a


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