Belâgatın önemli unsurlarından olan mecâz, bir sözün benzetme ilgisi olmaksızın başka bir kelime yerine kullanılmasına denilmektedir. Mecâzlar anlatımı güçlendirmek amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Mecâz, ad aktarması diye de ifade edilmektedir. (Daha çok lise ders kitapları vb) Mecâz-ı mürsel bir belagat terimi olmakla birlikte gündelik hayatta da çok kullanılmaktadır. Yediden yetmişe herkes tarafından kullanılan bu edebî sanat âdeta gündelik hayatın da vazgeçilmezi olmuştur. Günümüzde söz arasında bu sanatı kullanan pek çok insan bunun bir edebi sanat olduğunun farkına bile varmayabilir. Mecâz-ı mürsel, belâgat kitaplarının hemen hemen tamamına yakınında kısa veya detaylı bir şekilde işlenmiştir. Mecâz-ı mürsel sanatı ile ilgili olarak söz konusu olan bu kitaplardan belli oranda ilgi sayılarak örneklenmiştir. Oysa Bosnalı Süleyman Fikrî kitabında mecâz-ı mürsel sanatını Türkçe örneklerle açıklayarak mecâzla ilgili yirmi dokuz alâka saymıştır. Bu sanatın bu şekilde açıklanmasına başka belâgat kitaplarında rastlamadık. Bu açıdan Bosnalı Süleyman Fikrî'nin bu şekilde alâkalarla detaylı biçimde mecâz-ı mürseli örnekleyerek açıklaması dikkat çekicidir. Mecâz-ı mürsel sanatı, geçmişin yazılı edebî metinlerinde kullanılıp orada kalan bir sanat değildir. Günümüzde de kullanılmasından dolayı bu sanatın yaşayan sanatlardan birisi olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Bu şekilde sadece Divan edebiyatı metinlerinde değil; günlük hayatımızda da kullanılmakta olan mecâz-ı mürsel sanatının daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi açısından söz konusu kitapta yapılan tanımın ve verilen örneklerin de göz ardı edilmemesi gerektiği düşüncesindeyiz. Bosnalı Süleyman Fikrî Bey (Sonradan Erten soyadını almıştır.) tarafından İlm-i Belâgat Beyân ve Bedî' Hülâsası isimli kitabında Mecâzı Mürsel'in ayrıntılı bir tarifini yaparak örnekler vermektedir

Detaıled Defınıton And Samplıng Of Mecaz-I Mursel In The Book Of İlm-İ Belâgatdan Beyân Ve Bedî’ Hülâsası Of Bosnıan Süleyman Fikri

Süleyman Fikri wrote worthy books. One of the books he wrote is "Ilm-İ Belâgatdan Beyân ve Bedî' Hülâsası. In this book, Süleyman Fikri examined important subjects for Turkish Language and Literature. First and foremost of these subjects is Beyan ve Bedi'. The art of mecaz-ı mürsel has a very important place in this book. Mecaz is one of the important elements of Belâgat. Mecaz is the usage of a word instead of another word. But there is no simile in this usage. Mecaz impowers the text. Mecaz-ı mürsel is a belagat term. Mecaz-ı mürsel is also being used in daily life. This is a literature art. Because of this, everyone uses it. In our day, people use this language and literature art so much. But they usually don't know that this is a language and literature art. Very short amount of people know it. Mecâz-ı mürsel is being introduced in language and literature books. But other books talk about it very shortly. Bosnian Süleyman Fikri talks about mecâz-ı mürsel widely in his book. He explains it with Turkish examples widely. We didn't see anything like this in other belâgat books. In this way, Bosnian Süleyman Fikri's book is very important and noticeable. The mecâz-ı mürsel art has been used in history in language and literature works. This art is being used in our day very much. So this art is still alive. Mecâz-ı mürsel has been used in Divan literature texts so much. This book is important because it makes the Mecâz-ı mürsel literature more understandable. Mecâz-ı mürsel, has been used in almost every belâgat literature book. But no literature book has been more advanced and understandable like İlm-İ Belâgat ve Bedi' Hülâsası. Also, we will publish this book of Bosnian Süleyman Fikri. This book has been printed in the Nikola Printing House in 1913. Süleyman Fikri gives the following twenty nine titles in this book Süleyman Fikri, born in 1876 in Bosnia's Tuzla city. His family was a cultivated family. They were paying importance so much to education. When he was a little boy, he was studying at an elementary school while working in various jobs. He was making candles to illuminate mosques, he was working at farms and fields and sometimes he was working at his brother's shop. In that period, many people were traveling to Istanbul for education. These people were going back to Bosnia after education. Süleyman Fikri was inspired by these people's education and behaviour. But at the time, he was a little boy. He decided to travel to Istanbul for education one day. He wanted to continue his education in Istanbul. He wanted to be educated in Istanbul so much. Before traveling to Istanbul, he learned Croatian, Serbian and some German language. But his biggest dream was traveling to Istanbul and learn Arabic and Turkish languages. In 1894 he traveled to Istanbul for education. When he was a student in Istanbul he had no money and this made so much problems in his student years. He got educated for a long period of time at Madrasa in Istanbul. He got primary education at Madrasa. In 1900, he finished the teacher academy's first part. After his gray education years, he got his diploma. He got his diploma at May 7, 1906. At first, he taught geography, geometry, cultivation education, fine arts in Bolu. In 1908 he assigned to Antalya fine arts and Turkish language teaching. After 1915 he taught Persian language and Turkish language at Antalya High School. He was also the substitute of Antalya High School's principal and he was the Turkish language teacher of the Greek school. He was the psychology and morals teacher of the Imam Hatip school. After a couple of years, he led the establishment of the Antalya museum. Süleyman Fikri Erten dead in 1962 when he was 86. Süleyman Fikri wrote worthy books. One of the books he wrote is "Ilm-İ Belâgatdan Beyân ve Bedî' Hülâsası. In this book, Süleyman Fikri examined important subjects for Turkish Language and Literature. First and foremost of these subjects is Beyan ve Bedi'. The art of mecaz-ı mürsel has a very important place in this book. Mecaz is one of the important elements of Belâgat. Mecaz is the usage of a word instead of another word. But there is no simile in this usage. Mecaz impowers the text. Mecaz-ı mürsel is a belagat term. Mecaz-ı mürsel is also being used in daily life. This is a literature art. Because of this, everyone uses it. In our day, people use this language and literature art so much. But they usually don't know that this is a language and literature art. Very short amount of people know it. Mecâz-ı mürsel is being introduced in language and literature books. But other books talk about it very shortly. Bosnian Süleyman Fikri talks about mecâz-ı mürsel widely in his book. He explains it with Turkish examples widely. We didn't see anything like this in other belâgat books. In this way, Bosnian Süleyman Fikri's book is very important and noticeable. The mecâz-ı mürsel art has been used in history in language and literature works. This art is being used in our day very much. So this art is still alive. Mecâz-ı mürsel has been used in Divan literature texts so much. This book is important because it makes the Mecâz-ı mürsel literature more understandable. Mecâz-ı mürsel, has been used in almost every belâgat literature book. But no literature book has been more advanced and understandable like İlm-İ Belâgat ve Bedi' Hülâsası. Also, we will publish this book of Bosnian Süleyman Fikri. This book has been printed in the Nikola Printing House in 1913. Süleyman Fikri gives the following twenty nine titles in this book: "Maşdariyet, Mazhariyet, Mücaveret, Cüz'iyyet, Külliyet, Sebebiyyet, Müsebbibiyet, Kevn-i sabık, Kevn-i lahık, Muhalliyet, Haliyet, Aliyet, Itlak, Tekyid, 'Umum, Husus, Kuvvet, Lazımiyet, Melzumiyet, 'İlliyet, Ma'luliyet, Müte'allikiyet, Şartiyet, Meşrutiyet, Daliyet, Medluliyet, Bedelliyet, Zıddiyet" We endeavoured to remark the mecaz-ı mürsel art while introducing Bosnian Suleyman Fikri’s this important work. Mecaz-ı mursel is a valuable art of Classical Turkish Literature. Because this art is frequently used in literal works. But this art is also frequently used inspoken language as we indicated above. In this respect, this art is one of the ties between modern days and history. Because of these, mecaz-ı mursel is a valuable art.


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