Bu araştırmada bilgisayar oyunlarının ilkokul ve ortaokul düzeylerine öğrencilerinin amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama modeli niteliğinde olan araştırmanın örneklemini Edirne'de bulunan farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeyi temsil eden, dokuz resmi ilkokul ve ortaokulda öğrenim gören 4. sınıf ve 5. sınıfta olmak üzere toplam 484 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada öğrenciler, aileler ve öğrencilerin bilgisayar oyunu oynamaya ilişkin durumları hakkındaki bazı genel bilgileri elde etmek amacıyla araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan "Genel Bilgi Formu" ve öğrencilerin saldırganlık düzeyini belirlemek amacıyla Buss ve Perry (2000) tarafından hazırlanan ve Can (2002) tarafından Türkçe'ye uyarlanan "Saldırganlık Düzey Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada, öğrencierin %37,8'inin şiddet içerikli bilgisayar oyunu oynadıklarını, %62,2'sinin şiddet içerikli bilgisayar oyunu oynamadıkları belirlenmiştir. Ancak öğrencilere şiddet içerikli olan/olmayan bilgisayar oyunlarının isimleri sunulup, oynadıkları oyunları işaretlemeleri istendiğinde, öğrencilerin %35,75'inin şiddet içerikli bilgisayar oyunu oynamadığı, %64,25'inin ise şiddet içerikli bilgisayar oyunu oynadığı saptanmıştır. Yani öğrencilerin belirttiklerinin aksine oynadıkları bilgisayar oyunlarının şiddet içerikli olup olmadığının farkında olmadıkları saptanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra öğrencilerin %90,1'i ebeveynlerinin bilgisayar oyunu oynama konusunda kural koyduklarını, %9,9'u da ebeveynlerinin bilgisayar oyunu oynama konusunda kural koymadıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. da yüksek olduğu, sadece sözel saldırganlık boyutunda anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı bulunmuştur


This study aims to examine the effects of computer games on aggression level of primary and secondary school students. Relational scanning model was used and study sample comprised 484 students with different socio-economic level from 4th and 5th grade of nine primary and secondary schools in Edirne. 231 of the students are girls (52,3 %) while 253 are boys (47,7 %). 50,2 % are 4th grades and 49,85 % are 5th grades. The study involved “General Information Form” designed by researchers in order to obtain general information about children, families and students’ playing status and “Aggression Scale” designed by Buss and Perry (2000) in order to detect aggression level of students and adapted to Turkish by Can (2002). Data obtained from General Information Form and Aggression Scale were analyzed on SPSS 16.0 statistic program and tested on 0.05 significance level. Besides, sub-dimension scores were formed by taking average of total and sub-dimension scores instead of taking them as a whole. Data from General Information Form were assessed according to their frequency and distribution percentage. Independent group t-test was used while comparing students’ “Aggression Scale” scores with variables in “General Information Form”. One of the important findings of the study is that 301 students (62,20 %) reported that they did not play computer games with violent content and 183 students (37,80 %) reported that they did. However, when students were given the names of computer games with/without violent content and asked to mark the ones that they played, it was found that 173 students (35,75 %) did not play computer games with violent content and 311 students (64,25 %) students played. Thus, it was detected that children did not realize that their games involved violent content. Here, the family has the important role. 90,1 % of the students in this study stated that their parents set rules on their plays while 9,9 % reported that their parents set no rules on computer games. However, the reason of this remarkable conflict may be the fact that these rules are rather related to duration and parents do not bring limitation on the type and content of the games.According to independent t-test results, aggression level of students was found to be high in total and sub-dimensions according to playing status reported by students. Besides, it was found that aggression level of students was high in sum and sub-dimensions according to whether they played computer games with and without content while there was not a significant difference only in verbal aggression dimension. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Digital games including subtypes such as console games, computer games and online games (Gürcan et al., 2008), interactive and communicative aspects of entertainment offered by the games (Gürcan et al., 2008) significantly increase the frequency and prevalence that children and youngsters use this media (Kars, 2010). Researchers have begun to question what kind of effects this rapid popularization of computer games have on children and youngsters. Many studies have found that computer games have numerous positive and negative effects depending on purpose, duration and content of the game (Setzer & Duckett,1994; Smith, 2004; Doğusoy ve İnal, 2006; Anderson & Prot, 2011; Buckley & Anderson, 2006; Carnagey, Anderson & Bushman, 2007; Horzum, 2011). The fact that many popular games around the world have violent content (Buckley & Anderson, 2006) and influence aggression level of children negatively gave rise to numerous international studies (Sherry, 2001; Anderson & Bushman, 2002; Anderson & Prot, 2011; Setzer & Duckett, 1994; Robinson, Wilde, Navracruz, Haydel & Varady, 2001; Barlett & Rodeheffer, 2009; Mathews vd., 2005; Kelleci, 2008; Akarcalı, 1996; Minov & LaMay, 1995; Arriaga, Esteves, Carneiro & Monteiro, 2006; Çetinkaya, 1991). However, studies on this issue are very limited in Turkey although these computers are as prevalent as in the world, have violent content and negative effects on youngsters (Dilekmen, Ada and Alver, 2011; Samancı, 2006). Therefore, studies on the effects of computer games on children’s violence and aggression level are needed in Turkey. Thus, this study aims to examine the effects of computer games on aggression level of primary and secondary school students in order to suggest precautions for the families and create a social awareness and fill the scientific research gap in the country. Relational scanning model was used and study sample comprised 484 students with different socio-economic level from 4th and 5th grade of nine primary and secondary schools in Edirne. 231 of the students are girls (52,3 %) while 253 are boys (47,7 %). 50,2 % are 4th grades and 49,85 % are 5th grades. The study involved “General Information Form” designed by researchers in order to obtain general information about children, families and students’ playing status and “Aggression Scale” designed by Buss and Perry (2000) in order to detect aggression level of students and adapted to Turkish by Can (2002). Data obtained from General Information Form and Aggression Scale were analyzed on SPSS 16.0 statistic program and tested on 0.05 significance level. Besides, subdimension scores were formed by taking average of total and subdimension scores instead of taking them as a whole. Data from General Information Form were assessed according to their frequency and distribution percentage. Independent group t-test was used while comparing students’ “Aggression Scale” scores with variables in “General Information Form”. One of the important findings of the study is that 301 students (62,20 %) reported that they did not play computer games with violent content and 183 students (37,80 %) reported that they did. However, when students were given the names of computer games with/without violent content and asked to mark the ones that they played, it was found that 173 students (35,75 %) did not play computer games with violent content and 311 students (64,25 %) students played. Thus, it was detected that children did not realize that their games involved violent content. Here, the family has the important role. 90,1 % of the students in this study stated that their parents set rules on their plays while 9,9 % reported that their parents set no rules on computer games. However, the reason of this remarkable conflict may be the fact that these rules are rather related to duration and parents do not bring limitation on the type and content of the games. According to independent t-test results, aggression level of students was found to be high in total and sub-dimensions according to playing status reported by students. Besides, it was found that aggression level of students was high in sum and sub-dimensions according to whether they played computer games with and without content while there was not a significant difference only in verbal aggression dimension. Rising level of violence may stem from continuous exposure of the child to scenes of violence. The child who is continuously exposed to scenes of violence in computer games may be affected and begin to display this type of behaviors (aggressive behavior). In a study by Anderson & Bushman (2001) on the effects of violent content on aggression, it was stated that being exposed to violent behavior caused and increased aggressive behavior. Anderson (2010) stated in a study that there was a significant relationship between aggressive behavior, emphasizing that being exposed to violence through computer games and that being exposed to violence makes children and youngsters more likely to be physically aggressive toward another person. According to Kağıtçıbaşı (2006), seeing continuously scenes with aggressive behavior may cause aggressive behavior. Kirsh (2006) also relates effect of violent content on aggression to status of exposure to violence. Sherry (2001) emphasized in a study that aggression level of children increased simultaneously with violence level of the game. He stated that the situation might rather be explained with social learning theory. It was emphasized that computer games with violent content may cause aggressive behavior as individuals adopt and practice what they see on the scene. According to literature, computer games with violent content are effective in establishment of aggressive behavior in children, as the findings of this study suggest (Erşan, Süer ve Alcı, 2012; Çetinkaya, 1991; Escobar-Chaves, Kelder & Orpinas, 2002; Gunter, 1998; Merttürk, 2005;Polman, Castro & Aken, 2008; Anderson & Morrow, 1995; Anderson 1997; Anderson, 2000a; Anderson, 2000b; Bartholow & Anderson, 2002; Anderson, 2002; Kirsh, 2003; Bushman & Anderson, 2002; Anderson & Murphy, 2003; Anderson, 2003b; Gentile & Anderson, 2003; Anderson, 2004; Carnagey & Anderson, 2004; Gentile & Anderson, 2006a; Buckley & Anderson, 2006; Gentile & Anderson, 2006b; Anderson vd., 2008; Swing & Anderson, 2008; DeWall & Anderson, 2011). According to the findings from the studies, parents must realize that computer games with violent content cause their children display aggressive behavior and take necessary precautions


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