Günümüzde fotoğraf hayatın vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmiş, gelişen teknoloji sayesinde ulaşılabilirliği ve kullanımı artmıştır. İnsanoğlunun dikkatini çeken görselleri en ince ayrıntısına kadar kaydedebilen fotoğraf, dikkat çekiciliği, akılda kalıcılığı ile önemli bir iletişim aracı haline gelmiştir. Belgesel fotoğrafçılık ise tarihe not düşmek amacıyla fotoğraf teknikleri kullanarak çeşitli olayları, değerleri, kültürü, sanatı ve doğayı gelecek kuşaklara aktarmada bir yöntem olarak kullanılmaktadır. Osmanlı dönemi kuş sarayları geleneksel Osmanlı mimarisinin önemli unsurlarından biri olmasına rağmen günümüzde gerek mimari, gerek sanatsal ve işlevsel yönü yeterince bilinmemektedir. Bu nedenle kaybolmaya yüz tutmuş Osmanlı dönemi kuş saraylarının gelecek kuşaklara aktarılabilmesi amacıyla görsel olarak kayıt altına alınması ve bu yapıtlara ilişkin bir bilgilendirme yapılması önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı dönemi kuş saraylarının önemli örnekleri belgesel fotoğrafçılık yöntemi ile kayıt altına alınması hedeflenmiştir. Bu araştırma kapsamında; Amcazade H. Paşa Sıbyan Mektebi, Arap Hanı, Ayazma Camii, Bali Paşa Camii, Bereketzade Medresesi, Büyük Selimiye Camii, Büyük Yeni Han, Darphane-i Amire, Eyüp Sultan Camii, Feyzullah Efendi Medresesi, Laleli Türbesi, Seyyit Hasan Paşa Medresesi, Şah Sultan Mektebi, Taksim Meksemi ve Yeni Valide Camii' nin bulunduğu mekânlara gidilerek, kuş evlerinin konumu ve durumu gözlemlenmiştir. Kuş evleri fotoğraflanırken yapı, mimari açıdan incelenmiş ve saha notları alınmıştır. Bu eserlerin nerelerde oldukları, kuş evlerinin yapısı ve üzerinde bulundukları mimari ögelerle ilgili veriler elde edilmiş, yorumlanmış; kuş evleri fotoğraflanarak kayıt altına alınmış ve bu görsel anlatım şekliyle gelecek kuşaklara hem yazılı hem de görsel bir veri bırakılması amaçlanmıştır


In recent years, photography has become an indispensable part of the life. Its availability and usability has increased rapidly because of the developing technology. Photos, which can save up the attractive imagines in the finest detail, has became an important communication device with its noticeability, memorability and accessibility. On the other hand, documentary photography is used as a method to leave their mark on history and to transfer different events, values, cultures, art and nature to the next generations. Even though Ottoman bird palaces are one of the important part of traditional Ottoman architecture, they are known enough today in terms of their special architecture, function and artistic features. Therefore, it is essential to record examples of such structures with the help of the documentary photography method and introduce and transfer these forgotten Ottoman bird palaces to next generations. In this research, it is aimed to record importnat examples of Ottomon bird palaces. In the current research, such structures are visited, observed and investigated in the following places: Amcazade H. Pasha Primary School, Arabian Inn, The Ayazma Mosque, The Bali Pasha Mosque, The Bereketzade Madrasah, Büyük Selimiye Mosque, Büyük Yeni Inn, Darphane-i Amire, Eyüp Sultan Mosque, Feyzullah Effendi Madrasah, Laleli Tomb, the Seyit Hasan Pasha Madrasah, Şah Sultan School, Taksim Maksemi and New Mosque (Valide Sultan Mosque). It is not only aimed to record these strutures visually but also to get written documents and indepth information. Therefore, besides taking photos of the bird houses, info is gathered in terms of where they are built on, how they are structured, what buildings they are stated on and so on In recent years, photography has become an indispensable part of the life. Its availability and usability has increased rapidly because of the developing technology. Photos, which can save up the attractive imagines in the finest detail, has became an important communication device with its noticeability, memorability and accessibility. On the other hand, documentary photography is used as a method to leave their mark on history and to transfer different events, values, cultures, art and nature to the next generations. Aim of the Research Even though Ottoman bird palaces are one of the important part of traditional Ottoman architecture, they are known enough today in terms of their special architecture, function and artistic features. Therefore, it is essential to record examples of such structures with the help of the documentary photography method and introduce and transfer these forgotten Ottoman bird palaces to next generations. In this research, it is aimed to record important examples of Ottomon bird palaces. Methodology of the Research In the current research, first of all, literature review is completed. More specifically, graduate theses, research articles, books, encyclopedias, newspapers and documentaries related directly or indirectly with bird houses are examined. And then the places where these birds palace are structured are identified. Then, the necessary permits for designated places are taken to carry out the current research and get the photos of the bird palaces. Photos taken within the scope of the study and provided detailed information on each venue are used for the current research. Findings of the Research In this research, it is aimed to record important examples, Ottomon bird palaces. In the current research, such structures are visited, observed and investigated in the following places: Amcazade H. Pasha Primary School, Arabian Inn, The Ayazma Mosque, The Bali Pasha Mosque, The Bereketzade Madrasah, Büyük Selimiye Mosque, Büyük Yeni Inn, Darphane-i Amire, Eyüp Sultan Mosque, Feyzullah Effendi Madrasah, Laleli Tomb, The Seyit Hasan Pasha Madrasah, Şah Sultan School, Taksim Maksemi and New Mosque (Valide Sultan Mosque). It is not only aimed to record these structures visually but also to get written documents and indepth information. Therefore, besides taking photos of the bird houses, information is gathered in terms of where they are built on, how they are structured, what buildings they are stated on and so on. Results of the Research In this part of the study, the results retrieved from the findings and the related recommendations are presented. Human beings and other living beings have always shared the same environment. Mankind, who is separated from other animals with his ingenuity, feels different from other animals. And therefore, he isolates himself and prefers to live within his civilized community. However, in the past years, Turkish people have perceived animals and other living beings different and believed that they have rights as human beings do. Instead of isolating himself from other living beings, they have preferred to share the same environment with other living beings as required by the Islamic faith. Therefore, Turkish people have adopted a shared life with them. Within this understanding of faith, mercy and architecture, during the Ottomon Empire era, they have created a unique ways of living together. One of those unique ways of living together is Bird Palaces. They have built bird palaces with the emotion of animal love and smart architectural design. In the current research, the bird palaces are introduced with the help of documentary photography and indepth information is given for each. Since there are not enough resource or dependable information, the information gathered is double checked with other resources to make sure it is accurate and detailed and the root source of information is tried to be achieved. While photographing bird houses around the buildings, the implementation of the study took attention of the people around. It is observed that visitors of the architecture have just noticed that there are bird palaces built on the buildings. This has been demonstrated once again the importance of unearthing the palace of the bird that are subject to investigation. Because of scarcity of resources about bird palaces today, it can be the reason for failure to implement such palaces in almost any building in this era. There is not such implementation of building bird palaces on best part of the architectures nowadays. Even worse, it is more common now to place needles on facades and window sills around the buildings to prevent birds perched. The most negative sample can be seen in Eminönü around the New Mosque. The contradiction between the bird feeders placed on the mosque by old generations and the needles put into the inner courtyard in the new era by the new generation shows the contrast between the generations. However, Turkish people in the past loved these creatures and took care of their nest for decades. Due to scarcity of implementation of new bird houses and lack of protection of the existing structures, every day the number of these precious artifacts are reduced. Moreover, during the restoration of these buildings where the bird house built, they also restore the bird palaces but without paying attention to the aesthetic features of the bird palaces. So that they damage these structures aesthetically because of the sloppy restoration of bird houses. Architecture constitutes cultural heritage and transfer the values from generation to generation. The formation of national identity is directly linked to the protection of such values (Arıoğlu, Aydogdu-Atasoy, 2015 Ozgen, Sağsöz, Kocatürk, 2015 Fly, 2013). Therefore, it is essential to protect such values of bird palaces – the Ottoman architectural treasures- in the formation of national identity. Recommendations Here are some recommendations that can be done in the future to introduce the bird houses better: 1. Maps showing the locations where the bird house can be hung in various places, such as streets or crowded squares. 2. Moreover, signs and arrows pointing to the bird palaces and tables with short information about the structure of bird palaces can be displayed around the buildings.3. In the new architectures, bird palaces can be reinterpreted again to develop this culture and more work can be done to regain Turkish architecture. 4. A similar research can be carried out in other cities in Turkey; and bird houses can be examined with technological tools to display how the interior design is structured and to enable better understanding of such structures, which are almost a secret.


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