Bu makalede, Arnavutluk'ta yaşayan Bektaşilerin resmi temsilini, Arnavutluk devleti nezdinde akredite olarak üstlenmiş olan Bektaşi Toplumu Başkanlığı'nın hizmetleri, yine bu kurumun Arnavutluk Milli Arşivindeki "Bektaşi Toplumu Başkanlığı" arşivinden hareketle incelenmiştir. Arşivin dili Arnavutçadır. Arşivdeki malzemelerin çoğunluğunu, mali ve mülki alanda bu müessesenin gündemini işgal eden konular oluşturmaktadır. İnsan kaynakları, idari ve teftiş konuları sırasıyla bu başlıkları takip etmektedir. İnsan kaynakları alanında, tekke ve mensuplarını yönetecek dede ve babaların ataması, ilgili şikâyetlerin değerlendirilmesi, özlük haklarının takibi gibi hususlar başkanlığın hizmetlerini özetlemektedir. İdari alanda ise, kurumun Arnavutluk içindeki yapılanması, fiziki ve lojistik alandaki ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması gibi tasarruflara dair bilgilere ulaşılabilmektedir. Arşiv muhtevasında dini, kültürel ve sosyal sahaya dair çıkarımlarda bulunabileceğimiz malzemeler bulmak mümkündür. Bektaşi geleneğinin önem verdiği özel günler, tebrikler, hizmet içi eğitim faaliyetleri yine bu cümleden sayılabilecek yazışmalar mevcuttur. Bektaşi arşiv malzemeleri içinde dışı ilişkiler bağlamında değerlendirebileceğimiz kurum dışı ve yurtdışı birçok müessese ile yazışmalar mevcuttur. Hem Bektaşi geleneğine mensup dış dünyadaki muhiplerle hem de o bölgelerdeki Bektaşi teşkilatlarına dair yazışmalar kayıt altına alınmıştır. Yine Arnavutluk'taki siyasi atmosferin ilişkili olduğu, dünya siyasetindeki aktörlerle de ilişkiler geliştirilmiştir. Arnavutluk'taki mevcut siyasi otorite ile uyumlu olmaya özen gösterildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Arşiv malzemeleri arasında, Bektaşilik üzerine yazılmış şiirlerin ve edebi türde ürünlerin yer aldığını söylemek gerekir. Eğitim amaçlı olduğu anlaşılan, Bektaşilik tarihi üzerine notlar, özet bir siyer, Kerbela hadisesi üzerine bazı notlar, arşivdeki yerini almıştır


In this article, the services of the Bektashi Community Presidency, which undertook the official representation of the Bektashis living in Albania as an accredited foundation in the Albanian state, were examined. The majority of materials in the archives constitute the topics that occupy the agenda of this institution on the financial and intellectual property. Human resources, administrative and inspection subjects follow these headings respectively. In the area of human resources, it summarizes the services of the heads of departments such as the appointment of grandfathers and dads to handle the tekke and its members, the evaluation of related complaints, the follow-up of personal rights. Administrative area provides information on savings, such as structuring the institution in Albania, meeting physical and logistical needs in the area. It is also possible to find materials that can be found in religious, cultural and social inferences. Special occasions, congratulations and inservice training activities that Bektashi tradition cares about constitute the archival materials of the Bektashi Community Presidency. Bektashi archives contain correspondence with a number of external and foreign institutions that we can evaluate in the context of external relations. The writings of both Bektashian traditions and the Bektashi organizations in those regions have been recorded. Relations with actors in world politics have also been developed, which also relate to the political atmosphere in Albania. It seems to be taken care to be in line with the current political authority in Albania. It is necessary to say that poetry written on Bektashism and literary type products are included in the archive content. A summary of biography of Prophet, a note on History of Bektashism, a case of Karbala were also prepared for educational purposes and took its place in the archive In Albania, Bektashism is a highly esteemed Sufi tradition. It was conveyed from Anatolia to Albania and has gained more importance since the years of occupation and turmoil that started with the declaration of independence in Albania in 1912. In a religious congress gathered in Lushna in 1920, four religious schools, namely Sunni, Bektashi, Orthodox and Catholic, were officially recognized by the state as independent communities. In fact, according to Izeti, these were considered as independent religious units (komunitet). With this status, Albanian Bektashism began to separate from Anatolian administration. A congress was held in 1921, and a new administrative structure was established. Thanks to a special statute, this process was matured. Only the Head Grandfather (Bashdede) was appointed as a proxy. In 1929, after tekkes and zawias were closed down in Turkey, the full independence was realized in the third Bektashi congress. Niyazi Dedebaba, who was originally from Turkey, was appointed as the head of the tekke and it was decided to transfer the position, the highest authority, to Albania. This decision was also ratified by the Albanian King in 1930. This new status, which was won by Bektashism in Albania with the enclosure of tekkes and zawias in the newly founded Turkey, strengthened the Albanian Bektashis, and led them to regard themselves as the center of Bektashism all over the world. Niyazi Dedebaba’s visit to Albania reinforced this legitimacy. The Bektashi of Albania became the spiritual center of the Bektashism, especially in the Balkans and for the Bektashis who migrated from this region to other countries. This study examines the fields of activities of the Presidency of Bektashi Community in light of the Albanian State archives in Tirana which was formed after the Albanian Bektashi gained an official status. This archive partly holds some documents from the earlier period as well. The formalization of the archive records must have been possible thanks to the studies carried out by the officials of the State Archives Authority in the Presidency of Bektashi Community, since a record of this process is found in the records. The majority of archive records are in the Albanian language. Some documents belonging to the pre- independence era are in Ottoman Turkish. It has been found out that the first documents were begun to be recorded in 1886 and approximately 597 files’ numbers were identified in the process until 1967. With the ban on Enver Hodja’s religious activities in 1967, the registration process seems to have stopped. There is a total of 10104 pages of sources, including files and attachments. Looking at the titles of archive records, it is possible to categorize the administration of services of the presidency into six groups until the prohibition of religious activities in Albania: administrative and financial affairs, inspection and legal affairs, religious services, educational services, human resources, and external relations. It is, however, necessary to mention that these units are related to each another. Throughout the study, archival materials were scanned and classified according to certain common features. A document is sometimes considered under three headings. It has been found out that financial and administrative affairs were the most significant issues in the post-independence period. Human resources, legal and inspection issues came in the second place, and the external relations related to these two categories came in the third place. Considering the process during which the religious activities were prohibited, educational, social, and religious services were reflected in the archives in a rather limited manner. This evaluation, of course, is valid for the routine activities.Bektashism is one of the significant religious institutions in Albania. Bektashism rebuilt its future as an institution in Albanian conditions after the dissolution of Ottoman Empire and Albania’s declaration of independence. Bektashism, which had maintained its bonds with the Anatolian Bektashism for a long time, declared its own independence with the loss of this spiritual bond especially after the tekkes and zawias were closed. In fact, the center of Bektashism moved to Albania after Salih Niyazi Dede’s move from Anatolia to there. Thus, Albania became the spiritual center of the Bektashi World. After being recognized as a religious structure, the Presidency of Bektashi Community was established. Until the prohibition of religious activities in Albania in 1967, the presidency kept archiving, and the records were included in Albania's state archive content. It is estimated that this archival material includes around ten thousand pages. After examining the archival documents, it is found out that the Presidency of Bektashi Community has a strong structure in the execution of religious services. They already completed their institutionalization process. Ranging from religious services and education to international affairs and inspection, the presidency has a broad field of activities.
