Yeni Roman yazarı olan Alain Robbe-Grillet'nin, sorunları sergilemede kendine ait bir tarzı vardır. Yazar bunu romanları aracılığıyla yapar. Bütün çağdaşları gibi, onun amacı da, döneminin huzursuzluğunu göstermektir: yaşamın saçmalığı, tedirginlik, evlilik hayatındaki güvensizlik, şüphe, vs... Bu durum değişikliği, edebiyata her zaman damgasını vuran tarihten dolayıdır. Yirminci yüzyıl herşeyin bulanık, berlirsiz ve ulaşılamaz olduğu bir dönemdir. Ard arda gelen dünya savaşlarından sonra, insan şaşırır ve aptallaşır. Artık yasalara ve yönetmeliklere güveni kalmamıştır çünkü onu koruyamamışlardır. Böylece sözler önemini kaybeder. Değeri azalır ve sıfıra indirgenir. Bu nedenle iletişim başka bir şekilde kurulur. Nesneler, davranışlar ve dalavereler sözlerin yerine geçer. Alain Robbe-Grillet'nin Kıskançlık adlı romanında, bireyler kartlarını itinayla oynarlar. Okuyucu kendini onların arasında buluverir ve ortamdaki huzursuzluğu hisseder. A... adlı kişinin saçları gibi karmaşık olan bu bilmeceyi çözmeye çalışır. Okuyucu, her oyunun sonunda bir kaybedenin olduğunu iyi bilir. Böylece onu keşfetmeye çalışır, Alain Robbe-Grillet'nin karmaşık anlatımına rağmen. Insan aşamadığı çıkmaz yolların önünde güçsüz kalır. Kafese kapatılmış bir av gibi kendi ekseni üzerinde döner durur ve oradan çıkmak için bir çıkış yolu arar ama bulamaz. Bu durumun kabullenilmesi zor olduğu için, savunma mekanizmaları devreye girer. Kişi yalanı gerçekmiş gibi kabullenir. Samimi bir ortamda yaşadığını hayal eder ama riyakârlığın tam ortasındadır. Böylece psikolojik sorunlar gün gün artar ve yaşamı çekilmez hale getirir. Ama hayat herşeye rağmen güzeldir ve yaşanmaya değer


Alain Robbe-Grillet who is a writer of the New Novel, has a way of exposing problems. He does it through his novels. Like all his contemporaries, his purpose is to show the discomfort of his time: the absurdity of life, unrest, insecurity in married life, suspicion, etc. This change of situation is due to change the history that always marks the literature. The twentieth century is a period when everything is blurred, vague and elusive. The man is disturbed by the two world wars that occur one after another. He has no longer confidence in laws and regulations because they have failed to protect him. So the words lose their importance. Their value decreases and is reduces to zero. Therefore communication begins to be done in a different way. The objects, behaviours and deceit take the place of speech. In Jealousy by Alain Robbe-Grillet, each person plays his cards carefully. The reader finds himself among them and feels the malaise in the atmosphere. He tries to decipher this riddle which is like the hair of a character named A... . The reader knows that there is always a loser in every end of game. So he tries to discover it, despite the complex narration of Alain Robbe-Grillet. Man is powerless before the impasses that cannot be crossed. He turns around like a prey in a cage and looking for a way to get out but cannot find it. As this is difficult to accept, the defence mechanisms take over. He accepts the lie as a reality. He lives in hypocrisy while he imagines that he lives in sincerity. And psychological problems are growing day by day and make life unbearable. But life is beautiful and worth to be lived anyway. The conclusion: After the World War II, the man faces the realities of the world. The sense of his life changes and he begins to see things differently. The writers of this century are suffering from this psychology and they start giving works in that direction. Alain Robbe-Grillet is one of those writers. He becomes friend with the publisher Jerome Lindon. He has the opportunity to read all the new books that are in the "Editions de Minuit". So he reflects the latest in his works. First, he abolishes the protagonist. Thereafter, he destroys the coherence and stability from the Balzac novel. As Alain Robbe-Grillet is a filmmaker, he is inspired by film techniques. He uses the game of the shadow and of the light to highlight the feelings he wants to suggest. In La Jalousie, the objects are the cause of a visual reality. They interpret the relationships between people. We can even say that the objects replace the words. This is another medium that is expressed in an indirect way. In this novel, the scene takes place in a house located in the middle of a banana plantation. The owner of this house is the narrator who is living with his wife A… . They live their life with their neighbour Franck, who has a banana plantation like them. Franck has a wife and a baby that he neglects much. He spends almost all his free time with A.... They like to talk together, spend pleasant moments and have fun to annoy the narrator who has a jealous nature. The latter suspects them of having a relationship. He watches constantly either the window or out of the corner of his eye. He absolutely wants to know if his wife is cheating or not. But it seems unclear and he is not sure of anything. He is worried. His concern grows when A ... admires the strength and courage of Franck. She feels well when Franck eliminates the centipede which makes her afraid. She feels safe in the company of Frank and she loves his presence. One day, Franck and A ... decides to go into town together. The narrator observes all the gestures of his wife who is preparing herself in front of the mirror. After they left, the loneliness of the narrator grows. The house seems to be bigger in the absence of his wife. The narrator realizes that his wife is very important for him. Without her, life is meaningless. In the evening, he begins to wait on the terrace. He notes that the insects do not interfere when the lamp is on. He is upset because he discovers the lie of his wife. She had preferred to remain in the dark with Franck saying that the lights attract mosquitoes. He understands that she loves living intimacy with Franck. This detail increases his jealousy. He awaits them in the night but they do not come. To escape his pain, the narrator occupies his mind by descriptions unimportant. He interprets the photo that is on the schedule. But he cannot escape the feeling which gnaws at him slowly. Ultimately, he sees a centipede on the wall that reminds him of manhood of Franck. Franck is strong, handsome and attractive. The narrator becomes nervous. This intense feeling of jealousy makes him lose his head. He sees A ... and Franck in the same bed subsequently, he sees Franck who is driving his car at great speed. This is an accident and the car is burning. Exhausted, the narrator finds himself at home in front of the centipede. To calm himself, he imagines the long hair of his wife and probably falls asleep. After sunrise, he takes his lunch alone on the terrace. Franck and his wife A... are finally return from their trip. His pain subsides a little when he sees his wife. But his doubts did not go away. The cycle of their absurd life continues to flow like this. The narrator is content with the presence of his wife and accepts life as it comes. In this novel, which is not like the others, the narrator does not openly says his thoughts and intentions. He uses objects, sounds, images and other materials to communicate with his thoughts. To interpret, the book must be read several times because it is such a fuzzy picture you have to look from different angles. There are gummed parties that the reader tries to guess like the physical aspect of the narrator. As he is very jealous of Frank, he certainly has not a strong and muscular body like him. At the beginning of the novel, the narrator is a quiet and peaceful man obeying like a robot all that his wife tells him. He acts according to his subconscious. He do not protest once. He looks more like a child than a man. He cannot expressed himself among the other as if he was disabled. We can say that he denounces his libertine wife and all kinds of people who are like that. He did not openly said his thoughts. A ... is an opaque person to the narrator and he cannot decipher her. He does not know if she dupes him or not. He wants to know the truth at all costs. Yet the solution is very simple. In Turkey, there is a proverb expressing this very well: The man who sees the village where he wants to go, does not need a guide. Misleading someone is not enter the same bed with another, it is also to have a bad intention that leads to a goal sooner or later. As long as someone offends you every time by his actions or his attitude, it is clear that this person does not love you. In this novel, A... has not any love for the narrator and we wonder why she continues to live with the man with whom she shares neither its joys nor sorrows. The narrator is a strange man. He did not react when something bothers him. He collects everything in an amazing silence. He suffers alone. But we all know that these persons do the greater damage by exploding very strong. The narrator sometimes looks like a bomb ready to explode.The narrator is an observer man because he spends all his time watching others. He seems to be invisible in the house. It's amazing because no one surprises him when he is at work. His mind is concerned about the doubt that gnaws him and he suffers at times. He thinks his wife is cheating with her neighbor and seeks evidence to be sure. It looks ridiculous because everything is obvious. His wife does not take him into consideration and she humiliates him with cunning. He leads an absurd life with her. The ring that his wife carries has no sense because she shares all she wants with another man. The novel highlights the absurdity of life of some couples. They conduct their relationship in hypocrisy. This is an implicit criticism on the part of the author. The narrator does not find a way out of this labyrinth where he is imprisoned. It represents contemporary man that is blocked by its problems. Yet everything has a solution in life, but everyone can not enjoy. The weakness imprisons you in spite of yourself. You should know how to release yourself before it destroys you for ever.


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