Türk edebiyatı farklı dönemlerde farklı milletlerin edebiyatlarıyla etkileşim içine girmiş, bu edebiyatları etkilediği gibi aynı zamanda da onlardan etkilenmiştir. Bu etkilenmenin bir sonucu olarak da adapte, bir diğer ismiyle uyarlama eserler ortaya çıkmıştır. Adapte eserler, Türk edebiyatının her döneminde önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Daha çok bibliyografya ve tiyatro alanında yaptığı çalışmalarıyla bilinen, ilk derleme müdürümüz olan Selim Nüzhet Gerçek'in de Fransız yazar Claude Farrere'den adapte ettiği Canvermezler Tekkesi isimli bir romanı vardır. Selim Nüzhet Gerçek'in bu romanı Ahmed Kâmil müstearıyla neşredilmiştir. Yüz altmış sekiz sayfadan müteşekkil, resimli bir roman olan bu eser 1921 yılında İleri gazetesinde tefrika edilmeye başlanmış, 1922 yılında ise Kitabhâne-i Sûdî tarafından kitap olarak basılmıştır. Kitabın ikinci bir baskısı yapılmamıştır Selim Nüzhet Gerçek, konusunu başka bir eserden aldığı Canvermezler Tekkesi romanında kişileri ve mekânı millileştirmiş ve olayları kendine has üslubuyla aktarmıştır. Böylece ortaya millî ve özgün bir eser çıkarmayı başarmıştır. Bu çalışmamızda Canvermezler Tekkesi romanını romanın tanıtımı, romanın özeti, romanın şekil özellikleri, anlatıcı ve bakış açısı, kişiler, mekân, zaman ve olay örgüsü alt başlıkları altında inceledik. Bu çalışmayla Türk edebiyatının unutulmuş bu değerli eserini gün yüzüne çıkarmayı ve eserin değerini ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Yaptığımız bu inceleme neticesinde elde edilen sonuçları makalenin sonuç kısmında dile getirmeye çalıştık

The Turkish litareture had interaction with different societys' litaratures, during different periods. The interaction was mutual; it not only affected these literatures but also affected by them. As a resultof these interaction, adepted Works come into existence. These adapted works had an importent place in each period of Turkish literature. The first collected works maneger Selim Nüzhet Gerçek, who is well known with his bibliography works, has a piece called Canvermezler Tekkesi adapted from the work of French writer Claude Farrere. This novel released by Selim Nüzhet Gerçek under his penname Ahmed Kâmil. The novel wich is hundered sixty eight pages and pictorial was run chapter in the newspaper called İleri during 1921 and published as a book in 1922. Selim Nüzhet Gerçek at his novel that he took the subject from another work, succeed reveal an original work by nationalizing the characters and place. We analysed Selim Nüzhet Gerçek's novel Canvermezler Tekkesi under the headings of novel's introduction, summary of the novel, novel's form properties, teller and perspective, characters, place, time and story arc. We aimed to reveal of this forgotten work and the value of it. We tried express results from this analys in the part of result of the article From past to present Turkish Litarature has been influenced by a number of literatures which appeared in different regions. Especially after the Tanzimat Reform Era, one of the literatures that influenced Turkish Literature most was French Literature. The French effect on Turkish Literature showed itself in both form and content of works. The effect of French Literature on Turkish Literature resulted in as an increase in the number of translated and adapted works from French Literature. This influence began especially in Tanzimat Reform Era and since then, the majority of Turkish authors either had education from institutions which had French Language Teaching or learned French abroad. Even though Selim Nüzhet Gerçek who studied literature in Geneva and brought many works to Turkish Literature is known for his researches on theatre and bibliography, he had two well-known novels. One of them is a translation from a French work and the other is an adaptation from a French work. The novel named "Canvermezler Tekkesi" released by Selim Nüzhet Gerçek under his penname Ahmet Kamil is an adapted work from one of the novels of French writer, Claude Farrere. "Canvermezler Tekkesi" was published as a serial in a newspaper named "İleri" in 1921 and then it was published as a book by Kitabhanei Sudi in 1922. Canvermezler Tekkesi tells a story about a man who gets lost while he is on the way to help his employees. An old man finds him and invites him to get a sleep at his home for that night. After they arrive the old man's home he realizes the secret of that old man and the others. There are three old men at the home. The hosts who make their lives longer by means of stealing from other people's lives and Ali Nail Bey who falls into the hosts' clutches and Ali Nail Bey's girlfriend, Meliha, are essential characters at the novel. Ali Nail Bey is also the main character of the novel. Moreover, Hasan Bâki Efendi, Ali Vasfi Efendi and Mehmet Şerif Efendi are the other most important characters of the novel. The other ones are secondary characters. "Canvermezler Tekkesi" is composed of thirty four chapters. There is a connection between the content of the novel and the length of the chapters. In the chapters which have more actions and rapid progress of the events there are fewer pages and the transition from one chapter to another is faster. However, the chapters in which the events flow slower and there are less actions have more pages when compared to the other chapters. There are fourteen pictures in the novel. These pictures are drawings that animate the story. Each one covers one third of the page. Autobiographical method is dominated in Canvermezler Tekkesi. In this novel, the narrator and the narrative is the same. Everything is told by the perspective of the main character, Ali Nâil Bey. The novel has a characteristic of fiction which depends on the narration of what Ali Nail Bey experiences. Having such a characteristic plays an important role in that it provides the novel to be told in first person narrative and the dominant perspective belongs to the first person. Events in Canvermezler Tekkesi take place in 1913. Event time is three days. The three-day event time is extended with flashbacks which contributes to the novel in width and depth. The time in Canvermezler Tekkesi is not independent from the events and characters of the novel. The time is used symbolically to reflect the psychology of the characters. The scene in Canvermezler Tekkesi is used both for creating an ambiance for the events and informing about the psychological situations of the characters of the novel. The scene is used functionally rather than just creating a background for the events. The scene usually depicted expressionistically is also significant for giving clues about depictor's psychology. In the novel, the scene is sometimes used as a means of telling some events with flashbacks. "Immortality" that has been a subject to many works in Turkish and World literature is discussed with a different perspective in Canvermezler Tekkesi by Selim Nüzhet Gerçek. The novel is not an original work as of its subject. The characters in the novel has been transformed to local characters and the scene has been changed successfully with İstanbul streets. Moreover, all the events has been retold by Selim Nüzhet Gerçek's strong language. Like any other works published in old letters, Canvermezler Tekkesi has been also left to oblivion in the shelves of the libraries. This article which is made up of an examination of Canvermezler Tekkesi has been written on the purpose of making an end to the oblivion and providing this novel to be discussed in Turkish Literature once again. In the research we have made about the novel, we've seen that the place and time has been used in accordance with the subject of the novel. The scene has been used functionally rather than being used just as a background for the novel thus, it has been a component for the novel. In the same way, time has also been used functionally and symbolically in the novel. Canvermezler Tekkesi has thirty four chapters and one hundred sixty eight pages with fourteen drawings. The size of the chapters changes based on the dynamism of the events. This shows us that there is a consistence between the form and the content of the novel. Canvermezler Tekkesi has been written with autobiographical method. The main character is also the narrator of the novel. Whereas using the first person narrative is a favorable thing in terms of providing a warm environment, it's an undesirable characteristic in the way of seeing the events from only one person's perspective. In order to remove this negative influence the writer has been applied to the dialogue and flashback methods. Containing real characters and historical events has increased the persuasiveness of the novel and it has provided a warm atmosphere. Reader's curiosity has been kept alive throughout the novel. As a result of our research about Canvermezler Tekkesi we have seen that Selim Nüzhet Gerçek who is known with his researches about bibliography in Turkey was a successful author who did not only researches in this field but also had original works as novels.
