27 Mayıs 1960 tarihinde Türkiye'de ortaya çıkan askeri darbe şüphesiz Adnan Menderes başbakanlığında Demokrat Parti tarafından kurulan ve ülkeyi 1950-1960 sürecinde 10yıl boyunca yöneten hükümetin devrilmesinin ötesinde farklı alamlar da taşır. Bu askeri darbenin pek bilinmeyen, bugüne kadar konuyla ilgili çevreler dışında pek tartışılmayan son derece önemli olumsuz etkisi ise maalesef Kıbrıs adasında yaşanmıştır.1 Nisan 1955 tarihinden itibaren Kıbrıs adasını kan gölüne çeviren ve Yunanistan destekli olarak Atina'da kurulan EOKA terör örgütünün önce İngiliz yönetimine, ardından kendine yardım ve yataklık etmeyen Rumlara ve son olarak da adayı Enosis çerçevesinde Yunanistan'a bağlamak için Kıbrıslı Türklere yönelmesi Kıbrıslı Türklerin can, mal ve namus güvenliklerinin ortadan kalkmasına neden olur. 15 Kasım 1957'ye kadar bir takım yerel v amatör organizasyonlar olmasına rağmen anılan tarihte kurulan Türk Mukavemet Teşkilatı 1 Ağustos 1958 tarihinden itibaren Türkiye'nin desteğini alır ve komuta kademesi, askeri altyapı, lojistik destek ve eğitim bağlamında TMT de EOKA karşısında Kıbrıslı Türklerin haklarını savunmaya başlar. Türkiye'de yaşanan darbenin ardından Menderes'in özel ordusu olarak nitelendirilecek olan TMT'ye her türlü destek kesilir, askeri malzeme gelmez ve durum anlaşılıncaya kadar her türlü faaliyet durma noktasına gelir. Bunun sonucunda 21 Aralık 1963 tarihinde Akritas Planı bağlamında bütün Kıbrıslı Türkleri ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik Rum saldırıları başlar. Bu çalışma bu süreçte neler yaşandığını ve darbeden Kıbrıslı Türklerin nasıl etkilendiğini ortaya koymak üzere hazırlanmıştır


The military coup that has happened in Turkey on May 27, 1960 has naturally different meanings apart from the collapse of Democrat Party government led by the President Adnan Menderes for ten years. The unknown and discussed negative aspects, only known by a small group, of the above-mentioned coup has got experienced unfortunately in Cyprus. The fact that the EOKA terrorist organization founded in Athens, and backed by Greece made assaults against the British authority, then the Greek Cypriots who haven’t helped the EOKA, and finally against the Turkish Cypriots so as to make the island Hellenize in the light of Enosis utopia reasons the Turkish Cypriots to lose the security of the property, life, and the decency. Despite the fact that Turkish Cypriots have established some local and amateur organizations against the EOKA before November 15, 1957, the professional and effective on all the island to be, Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT) gets established, and backed by Turkey in the light of logistics, command staff, infrastructure, and military training so as to defend Turkish Cypriots’ rights against the EOKA. Subsequent to the coup in Turkey, TMT is named to be Menderes’ Private Army, and all the military assistance for TMT stops, and finally all the military activities comes to the end till everything is all clear. As a result, Greek Cypriot attacks start on December 21, 1963 in the frame of Akritas Plan to kill all the Turkish Cypriots living on the island. This scientific study will focus on how Turkish Cypriots get affected negatively after 1960 due to the coup occurred in Turkey. Turkish Cypriots’ rights against the EOKA after August 1, 1958. Then Turkey has deployed experienced officers who have participated in Korea War to Cyprus, supplied logistics materials, and started training the Turkish Cypriots both in Cyprus and Turkey. TMT commanded by Turkish high-rank officers has had headquarters and the sub-branches all over the island such as Famagusta, Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca, and surely in Nicosia. The main and strict rule of the organization is the secrecy due to the oath the TMT members have made within the network of TMT. Actually this is the main reason for TMT activities to be successful and, even years later, to be so unknown. Subsequent to the coup in Turkey, TMT is named unfortunately to be Menderes’ Private Army in Turkey since the military authority can’t understand and know what is happening in Cyprus, has a great suspicion, and all the military assistance for TMT stops, and finally all the military activities comes to the end till everything is all clear. Then the military training camps located in the villages such as Yağmuralan in Cyprus, Zir Valley nearby Ankara, and the last one in Sıçan Adası in Antalya all come to the end with no action. The transfers of the TMT members to Turkey for the military training cut down, the deployment of the well-experienced military personnel to command and control TMT HQ in Cyprus finishes, the personnel in Cyprus are called back to Turkey with passive posts, and the morale-motivation naturally decrease. The military government in power can’t understand TMT activities in Cyprus, and thus all the military trainings, personnel transfers, deployment of the weapons, etc. all cut down in addition to the morale of the TMT members on the island. Turkish Cypriots are at dilemma not knowing what to do with no training, no exercise, no intelligence, no patrolling etc. Due to the insufficiency of the intelligence reports, counter-intelligence comes to the surface in the other side of the medal and the gunmen of EOKA terrorist organization finds the suitable time to attack and to kill all the Turkish Cypriots on the island. As a result, Greek Cypriot attacks start on December 21, 1963 in the frame of Akritas Plan to kill all the Turkish Cypriots living on the island. This scientific study will focus on how Turkish Cypriots get affected negatively after 1960 due to the coup occurred in Turkey


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