All of a sudden, teachers and students around the globe have to deal with distance learning amidst the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. It is becoming increasingly important to understand teachers’ technology integration and distance learning adoption after a sudden implementation of the working-fromhome policy as a precaution towards the further transmission of the virus. The present study examines the issues particularly regarding the used technologies, the process of distance learning, and the teachers’ distance learning adoption levels. This study was conducted using an online survey involving 572 teachers in Indonesia. The results reveal that teachers tend to use devices and applications for remote instruction that already they used for daily life, and global applications are more likely chosen by teachers for managing virtual classrooms rather than the local ones. The teachers stand on an enhancement level of technology integration thus yet integrate technology as a transformation of learning. Most teachers have immediately prepared for teaching remotely when the working-from-home policy has been implemented so that they can be categorised as early adopters of distance learning. Teachers’ agility in adopting distance learning during the crisis raises an optimistic signal to effectively adapt and adopt remote instruction to formal school environments in the future. Since the current study has only examined teachers in one country regardless of teaching subjects and school levels, a cross-national study on a specific subject and school level is needed in the next study.


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