NOTE FOR EDITOR: Prezi: A Different Way to Present

For many years now, Microsoft PowerPoint has been so dominant in the field of presentation software that its name has become all but synonymous with the generic concept. Professors often assume students have access to PowerPoint to create their own student presentations (or, at a minimum, to display and print the instructors’ slides for use as notes or handouts, particularly since Microsoft offers a free viewer for download for anyone who lacks the full software). Even Macintosh users can reliably be assumed to have the ability to create and view PPT files, even though native Mac applications like Keynote promise enhanced design possibilities.



  • Presentation Zen. Living large: "Takahashi Method" uses king-sized text as a visual. September 13, 2005. Accessed 2010/07/08.
  • ― Online. Links       Presentations s/presentations
  • PreZentIt- Prezi - SlideRocket- Thinkature– ThinkFree Zoho Show - 