Does Frequency of Online Support Use Have An Effect On Overall Grades?

This study discusses online support in the Distance English Language Teaching (DELT) Program within the open education system at Anadolu University and whether the frequency of online support use has an effect on student grades. The DELT Program is a blended program in that it has both face-to-face and distance education components. The first two years are face-to-face while the last two years are through distance education. The distance education component in the last two years consists of courses which provide students with methodological and theoretical background essential for language teachers. The main instructional materials are textbooks and study guides. As there are no instructors in the distance education component, students are provided with online support which is designed to supplement the course books. Studies show that interaction increases quality thus enhances student learning in distance education. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between frequency of log-ins and student grades. Analysis of average overall grades and frequency of log-ins showed that as the frequency of log-ins increases the grades also increase.