Seasonal variations in body length and fecundity of 2 copepod species: Thermocyclops crassus (Fischer, 1853) and Eudiaptomus drieschi (Poppe & Mrázek, 1895)

The effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll-a concentration on the body length and egg production of a cyclopoid copepod, Thermocyclops crassus, and a calanoid, Eudiaptomus drieschi, were evaluated. Sampling was conducted in Yenişehir Lake (Hatay, Turkey) on a monthly basis between May 2003 and April 2004. The results of the present study showed that, among the parameters considered, temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration were the main parameters influencing the body length of T. crassus and E. drieschi in Yenişehir Lake. For E. drieschi, egg production was also affected by chlorophyll-a levels.

Seasonal variations in body length and fecundity of 2 copepod species: Thermocyclops crassus (Fischer, 1853) and Eudiaptomus drieschi (Poppe & Mrázek, 1895)

The effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll-a concentration on the body length and egg production of a cyclopoid copepod, Thermocyclops crassus, and a calanoid, Eudiaptomus drieschi, were evaluated. Sampling was conducted in Yenişehir Lake (Hatay, Turkey) on a monthly basis between May 2003 and April 2004. The results of the present study showed that, among the parameters considered, temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration were the main parameters influencing the body length of T. crassus and E. drieschi in Yenişehir Lake. For E. drieschi, egg production was also affected by chlorophyll-a levels.


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