New teratological cases in Platygastridae and Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera)

Very few cases of teratological specimens, i.e. specimens displaying morphological abnormalities, have been cited among Platygastridae and Pteromalidae. From the Platygastridae we present 5 cases of symphysocery [A8-A9 in Metaclisis sp.; A3-A5 and A7-A9 in Sceliomorpha sp.; A5-A6 in Scelio sp. 1; A9-A10 in Idris sp., and a completely modified antenna in Gryon monspeliense (Picard 1924)]; a helicomery in Opisthacantha sp.; a hypertrophied interantennal prominence and central keel in Triteleia peyerimhoffi (Kieffer 1906); a schistocery concerning A5 in Apegus sp.; and a gynandromorph specimen of Scelio sp. 2. In the Pteromalidae we found 2 cases of symphysocery in Systasis parvula (Thomson 1876) (A4-A5 and A5-A9) and 1 in Pteromalus sp. (A8-A10); 1 case of hypertrophy concerning the antennomeres in S. parvula (A5) and 1 in Norbanus africanus Subba Rao 1973 (A6-A8); 1 case of cyclopy and head asymmetry in N. africanus; and 1 petiole asymmetry in Sphegigaster sp.

New teratological cases in Platygastridae and Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera)

Very few cases of teratological specimens, i.e. specimens displaying morphological abnormalities, have been cited among Platygastridae and Pteromalidae. From the Platygastridae we present 5 cases of symphysocery [A8-A9 in Metaclisis sp.; A3-A5 and A7-A9 in Sceliomorpha sp.; A5-A6 in Scelio sp. 1; A9-A10 in Idris sp., and a completely modified antenna in Gryon monspeliense (Picard 1924)]; a helicomery in Opisthacantha sp.; a hypertrophied interantennal prominence and central keel in Triteleia peyerimhoffi (Kieffer 1906); a schistocery concerning A5 in Apegus sp.; and a gynandromorph specimen of Scelio sp. 2. In the Pteromalidae we found 2 cases of symphysocery in Systasis parvula (Thomson 1876) (A4-A5 and A5-A9) and 1 in Pteromalus sp. (A8-A10); 1 case of hypertrophy concerning the antennomeres in S. parvula (A5) and 1 in Norbanus africanus Subba Rao 1973 (A6-A8); 1 case of cyclopy and head asymmetry in N. africanus; and 1 petiole asymmetry in Sphegigaster sp.


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