Breeding success of the Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus in Nag Valley (1999-2001), Kharan, Pakistan

Variations in different breeding parameters in 2 adjacent populations of the Stone Curlew in Nag Valley were studied. A total of 106 active nests were spotted, with an overall mean clutch size of 1.42 eggs per nest. The nest and egg success of the Lope Valley population was 0.50 and 0.42, respectively, while the nest and egg success of the Kereichi population was 0.60 and 0.45. Poaching of eggs/chicks, habitat shrinkage, overgrazing, and fuel wood collection are thoughts to be the main factors affecting the breeding success of Stone Curlew in the area.

Breeding success of the Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus in Nag Valley (1999-2001), Kharan, Pakistan

Variations in different breeding parameters in 2 adjacent populations of the Stone Curlew in Nag Valley were studied. A total of 106 active nests were spotted, with an overall mean clutch size of 1.42 eggs per nest. The nest and egg success of the Lope Valley population was 0.50 and 0.42, respectively, while the nest and egg success of the Kereichi population was 0.60 and 0.45. Poaching of eggs/chicks, habitat shrinkage, overgrazing, and fuel wood collection are thoughts to be the main factors affecting the breeding success of Stone Curlew in the area.


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