Genetic structure and population dynamics of the silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) in southern China

In southern China, the silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) is a widespread species due to complex topography and sufficient habitats and food resources. We investigated the microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA control region sequence of 115 individuals from 7 locations in China to study population dynamics of the silver pheasant during the Pleistocene. The neutrality test and mismatch distribution analyses showed that population expansion began in the interglacial period (76,053 years ago), and the latest common ancestor appeared approximately 970,300 years ago. Most populations exhibited a high level of genetic diversity as well as gene flow. Results of phylogenetic trees and network and STRUCTURE analyses provided insights into the weak population structure of this species. The weak phylogeographic and complex historical expansion population of the silver pheasant during the interglacial period could probably be related to its complex topography and the sufficient amount of suitable habitats and food resources in southern China.


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