Speaking with Numbers: Scientific Literacy and Public Understanding of Science

Public understanding of science and scientific literacy is discussed. Scientific method, scientific process and scientific filter are reviewed accordingly. Basic terms of measurement and numerical calculation are outlined. Finally, fundamental requirements of scientific literacy and critical response skills are presented.

Speaking with Numbers: Scientific Literacy and Public Understanding of Science

Public understanding of science and scientific literacy is discussed. Scientific method, scientific process and scientific filter are reviewed accordingly. Basic terms of measurement and numerical calculation are outlined. Finally, fundamental requirements of scientific literacy and critical response skills are presented.


  • United Nations Development Program, http://www.undp.org WHO, Establishing a Dialog on Risks from EM Fields, http://www.who.int ICNIRP, International Committee on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection, http://www.icnirp.org A. F. Chalmers, What is This Thing Called Science?, Open University Press, Celtic court, 3rdEd., Buckingham (ISBN: 0-335-201091)
  • L. Sevgi, “On the Science, Scientific Process and Scientific Filter,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, (2), pp. 122, 2002
  • A. N. Ince, ”NATO’s Science Programme and the Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society”, Perceptions, pp. 107-128, March - May 1999
  • J. Allen Paulos, Innumeracy, Hill and Wang, New York 2001
  • Patrick F. Dunn, Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2005
  • L. Sevgi, N. Ince, ”Scientific Literacy: Science, Technology and Public Perception and Ethics” Cumhuriyet, The Science and Technology Supplement, May 29, 2004 (in Turkish)
  • R. P. Feynmann, R. Leighton, Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman , (Ed. E. Hutchings) W:W: Norton and Company, Inc., 1997