The Relationship Between Solution-Focused Thinking, Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Psychology Well-Being Among University Students

The aim of this study is to determine whether university students' solution focused thinking has a significant relationship with their levels of depression, anxiety, stress and psychological well-being and whether solution-focused thinking predicts these variables. While gathering data, the Solution Focused Inventory, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and Flourishing Scale were used. Multiple regression analysis, variance analysis, and independent t-test were performed to determine whether goal orientation, resource activation and problem disengagement which are the subscales of solution-focused thinking predict other variables. According to the findings of the study, there was a positive relationship between these subscales and psychological well-being, and a negative relationship between these subscales and depression, anxiety, stress, and the subscales of solution-focused thinking significantly predict university students' depression, anxiety, stress, and psychological well-being.


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