Turkey and Iran towards the First World War

This paper intcnds to focus on somc highlights of the role that twoneighbouring countrics, Iran and Turkey, played during thc First World War.While bolh had separate idcntitics and decision-making processes, althoughnot entircly independent as one might wish, the events in Iran vvereinscparably connectcd vvith thc events in thc Asiatic part of the formerOttoman Empire and vvith thc great povver policies tovvards the Turks duringthat vvar.Thc beginning of the tvvcntieth century is an interesting and acomplex period in thc histories of both Iran and Turkey. It vvas a period ofbloodless revolutions, in 1905 in Iran, and in 1908 in Turkey. It vvas anepoch in vvhich Iran vvas dividcd up initially overtly (1907) and then sccrctly(1915). Thc Ottoman Empire, similarly, shrank, losing almost ali of itsEuropcan possessions. Moreovcr, great povver rivalry providcd the impulsefor a general conflagration to partition thc vvorld.  
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Turkey, Iran, First World War

Turkey and Iran towards the First World War