Transboundary Population Movements: Refugees Environment and Politics

We are living in a shrinking world. This is the age of fastercommunication and transportation. It is easier to transport ideas,technological developments, daily events and fınancial means witha tremendous speed. Although only a small percent of the worldpopulation are the beneficiaries of the latest technologicalpossibilities, the worldwide developments effect ali the members ofhumankind. One of the results of globalism is an increase in thegap between haves and have-nots. Not only the fastercommunication and transportation means are developing but,income gaps, social conflicts, destructive weapons and local warsare also rising. Above ali, the world population grew in largenumbers. At the threshold of the new millennium, ali thesedevelopments together with the pressure of the new wave ofglobalism question the role of the classical actors of internationalrelations. As a result of conflicting themes of the new vvorld(dis)order and the conflictual affects of the globalisation, thehumankind faces majör challenges interposed with these reversetrends.  

Transboundary Population Movements: Refugees Environment and Politics