Rising Racism and Anti-Semitism: A Brief Glance

Racism and the discrimination accompanying it had always beeninstrumenıs of oppression and justification for exploitation. Colonialism andimperialism used these concepts to advocate the superiority of certain racesand tried to "prove right" their tyrannies. It is well-known that the early(1933) laws of the Nazi regime in Germany were only the beginnings of thegenocide which followed. Later events proved that racism could not beconfined to a single country and that it vvas, by its very nature, a threat tointernational peace as vvell.The present confrontations around racism and discrimination have alsoacquired serious proportions. Violence based on real or attempteddiscrimination is stili among the most explosive phenomena of our times.Racism and its accompanying consequences stili affect a number of peopleson account of the colour of their skins and/or national, ethnic or religiousorigins. The native peoples in the Americas, Australia, parts of Asia andnorthern Europe have less right than others. Discrimination is the commondenominator in the cases of the Amerindiano, the Mayas (Guatemala), theMiskitos (Nicaragua), the Inuit (Canada), the Adivasis (Bangladesh), theaborigines of Australia, the Sami (Lapland) and the like.  

Rising Racism and Anti-Semitism: A Brief Glance