Political Attitudes of Students in the United States Turkey and Turkey and North Cyprus

This study explores the attitudes of students in North Cyprus and theUnited States in ten areas of political attitudes; (1) Attitudes toward U.S.President Bili Clinton; (2) Attitudes tovvard the United States; (3) Attitudestovvard the United Nations; (4) Attitudes tovvard secularism; (5) Attitudestoward terrorism; (6) Attitudes tovvard the military; (7) Attitudes tovvarddemocracy and the West; (8) Attitudes toward patriotism and nationalism; (9)Attitudes tovvard race and ethnicity; and (10) Attitudes on state of vvell-beingcompared to ten years ago. The study provides cross-national data on attitudesof students in each of the above areas.It would be expected that students in a southern university in theUnited States vvould demostrate very conservative political attitudes on mostissues. Earlier studies have shovvn that Louisiana students tend to like DavidDuke, the former Klansman vvho gained prominence in Louisiana politics.(Eisenman, 1992, 1993). On foreign policy issues that reflect the globalpovver of the US, these student vvould likely support the continued extensiveapplication of US povver in the global arena.

Political Attitudes of Students in the United States Turkey and Turkey and North Cyprus