Global security calculus; Forcing the Turkish-American Strategic Alliance to new Orientations

In recent developments of globality, states, albeit reluctantly,have "relinquished" some of their decision making powers, not to ahigher authority but to a process where interests have becomeimpossible to define relative to national boundaries. In thischanging world, security has acquired a "new" meaning: Until theend of the Cold War, security essentially meant defending andprotecting the territories of states from other states who wereperceived as sources of threat, whether individually or in concertwith others. Amidst the mercurial turnabouts, security is no longerjust a problem of territoriality. It has become supra-national, crossnational and has expanded to encompass a set of individual andcollective values relating to life, rather than sheer borderlines. 

Global security calculus; Forcing the Turkish-American Strategic Alliance to new Orientations