Expert Opinion; New Challenges Facing The United Nations

Expert Opinion; New Challenges Facing The United Nations

The UN was constructed on the basis of sovereign nation-states and of the sanctity of the frontiers of each under the Charter. Since the end of the Cold War, the UN suddenly found itself overburdened by the many new tasks, and many optimistic opinions vvere expressed about the role of UN multilateralism in the nevv vvorld order Generally, ali efforts aimed at adapting the UN to the changing conditions are called reform. Re-organization of the Secretariat, redefming priorities, re-organization of the inter-governmental mechanism are only some of them. Member states, facing vvith the problems they cannot handle alone, have directed the organization to take on nevv responsibilities including responding to refugee flovvs, preserving human rights, building sustainable development, ete. These tasks can only be undertaken through a global organization such as the UN. Nevertheless, the member states have alvvays been far readier to add mandates or tasks for the U.N. than to terminate existing ones. Attempts to achieve a system-vvide reform has been fevv and modest. The current vvave is broader and more ambitious than its predecessors. The vvork vvithin the secretariat has produced more visible and immediate results, vvhile the member state dialogue is stili continuing.