Against Apartheid in South Africa

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, apartheid continuesas an institutionalized racist domination and expîoitation, restingon the plunder of the Afriean majority since 1652 by colonialsettlers and their descendants. Apartheid is a erime against humanity under the International Convention on the Suppressionand Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid adopted by the U.N.General Assembly in resolııtion 3068 (XXVIII) of 30 November1973. It is well-known that United Nations' concern with theracialist pohcies of the apartheid regime is of long standing.But since 1960, with the first wave of the nevvly-independentsta.tes of Africa joining the U.N., response of this internationalorganization to the gross violations of human rights has undergone quantitative changes. The U.N. has moved from general tospecific resolutions requesting member states to take aetionsagainst the white minority dictatorship. The General Assembly,at its thirty-third session in 1979, adopted fifteen resolutions,unanimously or by overvvhelming majorities. The resolutionsdeal with a variety of topics, from relations between South Africa and Israel or oil embargo to political prisoners or apartheidin sports. 

Against Apartheid in South Africa