Kalıp Çiziminde Temel İlkeler ve Değişik Yaklaşımlar

G iysi kal~plar~nm ~iziminde uygulanan ytintemler terzilik mesleginin geleneksel pratigi icinde zaman iqinde gelisen ytintemlerdir. Ancak su bir gerqektir ki, giysi kal~plarl tic boyutlu bir hacim olan insan vucudunun cesitli btiliimlerini iirten iki boyutlu yiizey parcalar~d~r. Bu bak~mdan, kal~p yaplmlna ybn veren temel yakla$rm ve ilkelerin lic boyutlu hacimlerin ylizey acmrrnlarm~n elde edilmesine dayanmas1 gerektigi aclkttr. Bu bildiride bu noktadan hareketle, kalp yapmna temel olu$Luran ilkelerle kallp ciziminde kars~la$~lacak olan sorunlarm ctiztimtinil saglayacak dogru yaklaq~mlar bir dizi cizim yardmyla aclklanmakta, ayrlca endtistride uygulanan kal~p qizim ytintem ve sistemleri hakk~nda k~sa bilgi verilmektedir.  
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Kalıp, Çiziminde, Temel İlkeler


Methods applied in drawing garment patterns are methods which have evolved in time through the traditional practice of the tailoring profession. Nevertheless, it is a fact that garment patterns are two dimensional surface sections that cover various parts of the human body which is a three dimensional volume. As a consequence of this, it is obvious that the fundamental approaches and principles to be adopted in pattern making ought to depend on obtaining the surface developments of three dimensional volumes. Starting off from this point, the basic principles which are fundamentals in pattern making and the right approaches that will provide solutions to problems which may be encountered in pattern drawing are explained by the aid of a series of illustrative drawings : and a brief information is also given about various pattern drawing methods and systems applied in industry.