İzotaktik Polipropilen Liflerinin Yapısal Çalışmaları

B u callsma izotaktik polipropilen liflerinin yaptsal Ozelliklerinin X-t$lnl difraksiyonu, termal enalizi ve klz~liitasi spektroskopisi metodlarl tarafindan karakterize edilebilecegini gostermektedir. 8u liflerin polarize edilmis bzlltltesi spektrumlar~ detayll olarak analiz adilmis ve 841 cml ve 973 cml klzlletesi pikleri oryantasyon parametresi, cP2>.karakterizasyonu icin kullan~lm~gbr. 973 cm-1 ktzll0tesi pikinin 972 cm-1 ve 974 cml olarak elemanlara ayrllmas~ qok faydall olmustur. 841 cml ve 974 cml pikleri kristalin ve amorf oryantasyon averajlar~nln hesaplanmaslnda kullan~lm~$~r
Anahtar Kelimeler:

İzotaktik, Polipropilen, Lifler


The present work shows that sh-uctural characteristics of isotactic polypropylene fibres in terms of molecular orientation and crystallinity can be obtained with the use of X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and infrared spectmscopy. Polarised infra-red spectra of the samples have been anelysed in detail and used for the characterisation of the orientation parameter cml. The separation of 973 cml infraced peak into 972 and 974 cml components has bean extremely useful. The peaks at 841 cml and 974 cml am used to calculate the crystalline and amorphous orientation averages, respectively.