Değişik Düzeylerde Ham Selüloz içeren Rasyonlara Katılan Kuru Mayanın Saccharomyces ceı evisiae Tavşanlarda Besi Performansı ve Bazı Sekurı Parametrelerine Etkisi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma

Araştı rmada, 6 haftal ı k yaşta sütten kesilmiş 48 adet Be az Yeni Zelanda Tav şanları n % 9.03-9.11gibi düş ük, % 13.30-13.64 gibi yüksek ham selüloz içeren rasyonlanna s ı raelyia °/. 7, 5, 7 ve 5 bal ı k unu ile % O, 2, O ve 2 düzeyinde kuru maya Saccharomyces cerevisiae ilave edilerek 7 haftal ı k besleme sonunda besi performans ı ile baz ı sekum ve gübre parametrelerine etkisi incelenmi ştir. Araştı rma 4 grup N■ e 3 tekerrürlü olarak Tesadüf Parselleri Deneme Desenine göre kurulmuştur. Deneme sonu ortalama canl ı ağı rl ı klar s ı ras ı yla, 1608.2 g, 1651.0 g, 1482.0 g, 1682.8 g; ortalama canl ı ağı rl ı k artış ları 916.9 g, 956.0 g, 786.9 g, 982.1g; ortalama yem tüketimleri 3018.0 g, 3094.7 g, 2860.6 g, 3035.0 g; ortalama yem değ erlendirme say ı ları 3.32, 3.34, 3.72, 3.10 olarak tesbit edilmi ştir P>0.05 . Sekum içeri ğ inde saptanan kuru madde °İ. 20.32, % 17.60, % 20.23, % 20.22; pH 7.12, 6.98, 6.98, 7.05; total uçucu ya§ asitleri UYA 35.20 mmol/kg, 32.75 mmol/kg, 28.96 mmol/kg, 32.57 mmol/kg ve amonyak NH3 7.0F mg/100 g, 7.98 mg/100 g, 7.22 mg/100 g, 8.48 mg/100 g değerlerinde gruplar aras ı nda önemli bir farkl ı l ı k görülmemiş P>0.05 , s ı cak karkas rand ı man ı na ait değerlerde % 46.83, % 42.68, % 46.02, °A 44.60 önemli farkl ı l ı k saptı ı nm ışt ı r P0.05 , ham selüloz, ham protein, ham kül değerleri gruplara göre s ı ras ı yla, % 23.23, 23.28, 27.67, 27.72; % 12.81, 13.74 10.07,12.05; °/. 10.51, 10.62, 8.31, 8.26 olarak tesbit edilmiştir P

A Research on the Effects of Dry Yeast Sal:charomyces cerevisiae in Rabbit Diets Containing Different Levels of Raw Fiber on Fattening Performance and Cecal ftrameters

In this research, 48 New Zealand Rabbits, weaned at E weeks age; were fed with 0, 2, 0 and 2 % dry yeast Saccharomyces carevislae supplemented diets contained 7, 5, 7 and 5 % fish meal and low or high crude fibre for 7 weeks. Diets of low crude fibre were 9.03 ora 9.11 and high crucli ı fibre were 13.30 or 13.64 °A. As the effects of supplements on fattening performance, some cecal and feaces paramet?rs were investigated. Research was designed in Randomized Plot Design for 4 groups and had 3 replicates per groups. At the end of the experimental periods average live weights were 1608.2 g, 1651.0 g, 1482 g, 1682.8 g; average live weight gains were 916.9 g, 956.9 g, 786.9 g, 982.1 g; average feed intakes were 3018.0 g, 3094.7 g, 2860.6 g, 3035.0 g; average feed efficiency values were 3.32, 3.34, 3.72, 3.10; ceaal dry matters were 20.32 %, 17.60 %, 20.23 %, 20.22 %; pH were 7.12, 6.98, 6.99, 7.05; volatile fatty acids were 35.2C mmol/kg, 32.75 mmol/kg, 28.96 mmol/kg, 32.57 mmol/kg; ammonia were 7.08 mg/100 g, 7.97 mg/100 g, 7.22 mg/100 g, 8.48 mg/100 g for the groups respectively. Although these parameters and mortality were not significant differeeces P>0.05 among the groups, average hot carcass outputs were 46.83 %, 42.68 %, 46.02 °/., 44.60 % and dilferences were significant P0.05 among the groups, crude fibre, crude protein, crude ash were 23.23 %, 23.28 °/0, 27.67 %, 27.72 %; 12.81 %, 13.74 %, 10.07 %, 12.05 %; 10.51 °/., 10.62 %, 8.31 %, 8.26 for the groups respectively Pe0.05 . According to the results; at the levels of 2 % dry yeast supplerr ents to rabbit diets contained low or high crude fibre, especially in low crude fibre groups; hot carcass output statisticalle decreased, feaces crude fibre slightly increased but not statistically, in high crude fibre groups; feaces crude fibre and c ı ude aches statistically increased, however crude protein also statistically decreased were observed.


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