The place of woman in the society began to be examined first during the Republic. Being one of the primary topics in almost every realm of the life in the last century, woman has  also been a hot topic in political science. Woman as an issue has not been limited to the interest of those who are called feminists, but also addressed by so many intellectuals. Thus, woman’s role in politic has long been under discussion. The perception all over the world is that one of the greatest indicator of a country’s democracy is the rights given to women. Women in Turkey were quite effective at the demonstrations, press and association activities during “Meşrutiyet”, the pre-Republic period, and made remarkable contributions to the national resistance. With the proclamation of the Republic, the political rights granted to the women were legalized, and subsequently they actively involved in local and general elections in 1930 and 1934 respectively. The new Turkey was one of the countries that gave women the right to elect and be elected, yet the representation rate of the women at the National Assembly have remained below the world average. When the bylaws and election bulletins of the Democrat Party period (1950-1960) are put under scrutiny, it is seen that the party during its reign had not addressed woman as a subject matter but rather focused on the concept of family. In this study, biographies and activities of the female parliamentarians who were elected at the first general elections after the transition to the multiparty period will be addressed. The publications and minute chronicles of the Turkish Grand National Assembly will be the primary resources in this study.  


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