Abstract: Undoubtedly, one of the most important events that deeply affected the Western world and led to historical breakdowns and social changes especially in continental Europe, are the democratic bourgeois revolution took place in France in 1789. Debate and criticism that take place in the academic world in general about revolutions and especially about French Revolution can be evaluated in two segments. On the one hand stand those supporting idea that this struggle launched in the name of humanity promoted progress, enlightenment, human rights and freedom, on the other hand those support idea that with revolution property and rights are seized, ethical and religious values ​​that hold the institutions of society and society together are eliminated and Jacobinism and radicalism were promoted. One of those supporting this claim is Edmund Burke, who is also the subject of this article and who stood with his hard attitude towards the French Revolution during his lifetime. This article, which examines Burke's ideas about the revolution in terms of conservative politics and focuses on the significance of the revolution that has been sustaining its effect even today.


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