أسباب النزول وأثرها في التأويل النحوي عند أبي حيان في البحر المحيط

لتي يثقفها ِّ المفسر في سني حياته ً رافدا ًّهاما من الروافد التي ّ تعد المعلومات التاريخي ّ ا ً ّ تصب في فكره ّ وتشكل نبع ثقافته. ثم ّ إن التضلّع بها يعتبر ًشرطا أساسيًّا لقعوده ِّ مفسر لكلام الله تعالى، ّلأن منه ما نزل بأخبار السابقين ليسلّي بها فؤاد المصطفى r ،ومنه ما نزل بسبب من حادثة أو كان إجابة عن سؤال. لذا ّ فإن الوقوف على معنى الآية يتطلّب ّا ّل شخوصها، وما ُجبِلت عليه أنفسهم من طبائع، مم ّ، وتخي وضعها في إطارها التاريخي يعين في الفهم، ويوضح سبب العدول من أسلوب إلى آخر، أو سبب الحذف أو حمل كلمة على معنى كلمة أخرى أو ما إلى ذلك من وسائل التأويل ّ النحوي. ًا عن نمط الخطاب ّ العادي، عرف ّ أن ذلك من فإذا ما رأى ِّ المفسر ّ أن في الآية انحراف ّة، وشكلها المفترض ّ فأشار إلى ذلك وأعاد الآية إلى بنيتها الأساسي أثر المعطى السياقي الذي كان يجب أن تكون عليه لولا توارد طيف من التاريخ عليها. وسيسلّط هذا البحث

The Effects of Historical Context of Linguistic Interpretation in The View of Abu Hayyan Al Andalou

Supposing that the target is to extract the meaning, this aim cannot be achieved by considering only the speech-chain, its syntax, semantics or phonetics, for this is a part of the whole. The rest lies in that external halo which casts its effects on speech, penetrating its tissues and integrating with its parts to grant a special meaning that doesn’t occur unless with this coordination and within this halo. These external data are called the status context, the outer context, or the attitude context i.e. they are the non-linguistic elements which constitute the speech attitude, these elements are the speaker, the addressee, their cultural structure, in addition to social, historical, psychological, and political phenomena. The interest in the status context felt by the analysts may be shown once we quote what they said about interpretation; the example given will be from Abu Hayyan ‘s introduction to interpretation to acknowledge the value of this context. In the introduction of his book Al Bahr Al Muheit, he defined interpretation: “Interpretation is a science that studies the methods in which the words of the holly Quran, their meanings, their reasons, and stories which clarify some issues, are pronounced”. Hence, this status context include: the speaker, the addressee; in addition to the conditions of the Aya, the reason, or a story behind it. This research will be specialized for studying the effects of historical context in the linguistic interpretation. The interpretation of Al Bahr Al Muheit will be the main field in this research. The historical information, that the interpreter acquires through his life, are considered an important tributary flows into his thought and becomes a source of knowledge. Becoming an expert in these information is a primary condition to interpret the words of Allah, because part of the theses words were tales of yore told to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), other part was for a certain event or an answer for a question. Thus the meaning of the Aya requires the historical context of it, bearing its characters and their characteristics in mind for easier understanding and clarify the reasons behind styles, omission etc. In case the interpreter finds an abnormal style, he knows that this is because of the data of the status context .So he refers to it and renders the Aya to its basic structure and its supposed shape that should be without the historical context.The study of the historical context in this research will concentrate on the reasons of the descending of Aya. Light will be shed on the effects of the historical data in changing the meaning of the words, and using the semantic interpretation. This research will sheds some light on the effect of an important historical aspect; the reasons of descending of the linguisticinterpretation, and Al Bahr Al Muheit by Abu Hayyan Al Andalousi will be the domain of this study.


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