İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin Propaganda Araçlarından Hayyeale‘l-Felâh Risalesi

II. Meşrutiyetin ilanından sonra halkın meşrutiyet, meclis, hürriyet, cemiyet, kanun gibikavramlara vakıf olmadığının anlaşılması üzerine İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti halkıaydınlatmak için Hayyeale‘l - Felâh Risalesi’ni hazırlatmıştır. Bu risale, cemiyetinkullandığı propaganda araçlarından biridir. İmzasız olarak 1326’da Selanik’te basılanrisale, şekil ve muhteva açısından incelenmiştir.

Hayyeale'l–Felah Pamplet (Tractate Of Reaching To The Salvation) As One Of Propaganda Tools Of The Committee Of Union And Progress

Following the Second Constitutional Monarchy, it was understood that the people of the country did not have an understanding on the terms such as constitution, parliament, liberty, community and law. As a result of that, the Committee of Union and Progress had “Hayyeale'l - Felah Risalesi” (Tractate of Reaching to the Salvation) prepared to enlighten people. This tractate is one of the propaganda tools which the Committee employed. The tractate, which was printed unsigned in Thessaloniki in AH 1326 (AD 1908), was examined in terms of form and content.