Bu çalışmada Şii Afgan vatandaşlarının İran tarafından Suriye’deki savaşa dahil olma süreci


This study examines the process by which Iranian Shiite Afghan citizens have been involved inthe war in Syria. In this context, it is tried to analyze that what kind of promises and motivationsthat the Shiite Afghans convinced by Iran to fight alongside the regime forces in the Syrian civilwar, how they were trained and the potential danger that these groups could create after the war. Iran mobilizes volunteer or mercenary Shiites from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Lebanonin the interests of their foreign policy to the war in Syria. It is known that Iran uses effectivelyapproximately 15 armed groups in Syria, mainly Hezbollah and Fatemiyoun Brigades, organisedunder various names. The mobilization of the Shiite population in other countries in Iranʹs own wardated back to the Iran‐Iraq war between 1980‐88. Therefore, the use of the Shiite population is not anew phenomenon, as is the case in Iranʹs Syrian case.


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