Klasik Fars Şiirinde Hz. Nuh / H.H. Noah in Classical Persian Poet

Öz: Hz. Nuh, Fars edebiyatında özellikle Klasik şiirde sıkça kullanılan mazmunlardan biri olmuştur. Hz. Nuh, İdris’ten sonra kırk ya da elli yaşında peygamber olmuştur. Kuran’da bildirildiği üzere dokuz yüz elli yıl yaşamıştır. Hz. Nuh kendi zamanında kavmine azap gönderilen ilk peygamberdir. O, asırlarca kavmini doğru yola çağırmış; ancak onlar Hz. Nuh’un çağrısına kulak asmamışlardır. Bunlar arasında eşi Vâhile ve oğlu Kenan da vardır. Hz. Nuh, Allah’ın emriyle bir gemi yapmış; içine her canlıdan bir çifti ve kendisine inananları yerleştirmiştir. Tufan başladığında inanmayanlar helak olmuştur. Klasik Fars şiirinde şairler tarafından gerek Hz. Nuh’un gemisine, dokuz yüz elli yıl süren ömrüne, ona inanmayan karısı Vâhile ile oğlu Kenan’a ve Nuh Tufanına telmihler yapılarak; gerekse Kur’an’da Hz. Nuh kıssasının anlatıldığı ayetlerden iktibasta bulunularak sıkça yer verilmiştir. Nuh’un gemisi, Fars şiirinde genellikle huzura erme, kurtuluş ve sığınak simgesi olmuştur. Yaklaşık dokuz yüz elli yıl ömrüyle en uzun süre yaşayan Hz. Nuh’un ömrü de omr-i Nuh (Nuh ömrü) terimiyle Fars şiirinde çok uzun yaşamın simgesi olarak şairlerce kullanılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nuh, gemi, şiir.Abstract: H.h. Noah Excellency is one of the significations used commonly in Persian Literature, especially in Classical Persian Poetry. After Idris (Enoch), H.h. Noah Excellency became prophet at nearly 40 or 50 years old. Reported in the Quran he lived for nearly 950 years. H.h. Noah excellency is the first prophet sent for as a torment for his eponym for the first time. Throughout the ages, he called his eponym for the right way. But, they always neglected his callings. Among those who did not obey to H.h. Noah’s callings, was his wife, Vahile and his son, Kenan. Upon the order of God, H.h. Noah built a ship, and when shipbuilding was ended, he settled a couple of every living animals and people who they obeyed to him on his ship’s board. When the flood started, those who do not believe in H.h. Noah were exhausted. In classical Persian Poetry, references were attributed to both H.h. Noah’s ship, and his life which lasted for 950 years and his faithless wife, Vahile, along with his son Kenan and H.h. Noah Flood. In addition, the verses where the tale of H.h. Noah Excellency is told at Quran were placed by Persian writers. H.h. Noah’s ship generally became the sign of shelter of peace and liberation. With his 950year- life, the life of  Prophet H.h. Noah accepted as the person with the longest life was used commonly in Persian Poetry with the term of omr-i Noah as the sign of long life by Persian writers.Keywords: Noah, ship, poetry.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Nuh, gemi, şiir.


H.h. Noah Excellency is one of the significations used commonly in Persian Literature, especially in Classical Persian Poetry. After Idris (Enoch), H.h. Noah Excellency became prophet at nearly 40 or 50 years old. Reported in the Quran he lived for nearly 950 years. H.h. Noah excellency is the first prophet sent for as a torment for his eponym for the first time. Throughout the ages, he called his eponym for the right way. But, they always neglected his callings. Among those who did not obey H.h. Noah’s callings, was his wife, Vahile and his son, Kenan. Upon the order of God, H.h. Noah built a ship, and when shipbuilding was ended, he settled a couple of every living animals and people who they obeyed to him on his ship’s board. When the flood started, those who do not believe in H.h. Noah were exhausted. In classical Persian Poetry, references were attributed to both H.h. Noah’s ship, and his life which lasted for 950 years and his faithless wife, Vahile, along with his son Kenan and H.h. Noah Flood. In addition, the verses where the tale of H.h. Noah Excellency is told in Quran were placed by Persian writers. H.h. Noah’s ship generally became the sign of shelter of peace and liberation. With his 950yearlife, Prophet H.h. Noah was accepted as the person with the longest life. In Persian Poetry, the term of omr-i Noah was used commonly as the sign of long life by Persian writers.

Noah, ship, poetry.,


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