İftar Sofrası: Sanatçısı Kim?


Dinner Table For The Breaking of Ramadan Fast: Who is The Artist of It

This essay seeks to explore the real artist of the still life painting named “Dinner Table for the Breaking of Ramadan Fast” which was referred to painter Hoca Ali Rıza by researchers. When we researched the scholarly literature on painting and painters in Westernization of Ottoman Period we explored six different painters named Ali Rıza. As we look at the life of each painter we found potentially possible three artists Hoca Ali Rıza, Ali Rıza Toroslu and Ali Rıza Bayazıt. This survey uses formal and stylistic analysis method in painting, biography of these three artists and the original documents in order to identify real artist of the painting. In conclusion, this paper suggests a new name for the artist of the painting that is Ali Rıza Toroslu.