Sanatta İmge, simge ve Gösterge İlişkilerine Bir Bakış

A Look Into the Relationships Between Image, Symbol and Indicator in Art

Image is the track left by nature in memory through a sensorial way. Symbol is, however, the objectified form of the image with an appearance indicator, after all, is a new form attributed to the symbol so that the form of symbol carrying the image can be perceived more easily and better. When the image takes a form in time, this form takes the place of that image as a symbol. When the symbol is seen, there appears an appearance of that symbol in the memory. So the symbol ceases to exist without image. Yet an image can exist without a symbol. Even the image can create a more permanent and new symbol for itself in time by getting out of its existing symbol or by changing that symbol. This change comes true in proportion to the cultural and technological developments.


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