Hattat Mustafa Halim Özyağcı'nın Ankara Hacı Bayram-ı Veli Camii'ndeki Yazıları

Calligrapher Mustafa Halim Özyazıcı's Writings in Ankara Hacı Bayram-ı Veli Mosque

In the Mosque, in Ankara which is consructed in the name of Hadji Bayram-ı Veli - one of the devotees of the 15th century Anatolia- there are celî sülüs calligraphies of Mustafa Halim Özyazıcı, who is one of the most famous calligraphers of the last period. These writings are some of the best samples ofdjeli thuluth of the Republic period. With both their styles of letters and compositions, these writings belong to Mustafa Halim Özyazıcı 's mastership period. The calligraphies mentioned (above) were all evaluated within the artistic view.


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