Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)‟s father Abdullah and mother Amina had lived in the era of jahiliyya (the age of ignorance), i.e. before the revelation of Islam. Their religious status was wondered by both the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions. The issue took shape as a matter of belief and ethics and persisted till today generating a literature on this topic. Imam Abu Hanifah‟s words revealing his thoughts on the religious status of the Messenger‟s parent became an important reference for the subsequent scholars of Islam. His exact wording on the matter varied in the copies of al-Fiqh al-Akbar. Thus, such difference led to the emergence of diverse comments and interpretations about what the Abu Hanifah‟s views on the matter was.

Debates about the Religious Place of the Prophet Muhammad's Father and Mother with Special Reference to the Thought of Abu Hanifa

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)‟s father Abdullah and mother Amina had lived in the era of jahiliyya (the age of ignorance), i.e. before the revelation of Islam. Their religious status was wondered by both the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions. The issue took shape as a matter of belief and ethics and persisted till today generating a literature on this topic. Imam Abu Hanifah‟s words revealing his thoughts on the religious status of the Messenger‟s parent became an important reference for the subsequent scholars of Islam. His exact wording on the matter varied in the copies of al-Fiqh al-Akbar. Thus, such difference led to the emergence of diverse comments and interpretations about what the Abu Hanifah‟s views on the matter was.


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