The article discusses the emergence and development of the idea of sustainability of human society, which is the basis of sustainable tourism. The author analyzed various approaches to the interpretation of the essence and content of the categories «sustainable development», «sustainable tourism». The author has formulated her definition of the category «sustainable tourism». The author proposes a method for the relative assessment of sustainable development using geometry. The author has developed a diagram of relationships and interdependencies in sustainable tourism, which is shown in the article. The author's recommendations will contribute to the formation of the foundations of sustainable tourism in Kyrgyzstan.


The article discusses the emergence and development of the idea of sustainability of human society, which is the basis of sustainable tourism. The author analyzed various approaches to the interpretation of the essence and content of the categories «sustainable development», «sustainable tourism». The author has formulated her definition of the category «sustainable tourism». The author proposes a method for the relative assessment of sustainable development using geometry. The author has developed a diagram of relationships and interdependencies in sustainable tourism, which is shown in the article. The author's recommendations will contribute to the formation of the foundations of sustainable tourism in Kyrgyzstan.


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