Firstly, precisely estimating of the shadow activity allows more exactly estimate economic growth and the effectiveness of the reforms and, as a result, make more effective decisions. Second-ly, the country's GDP, after correction for the informal sector increased at the appropriate scale. This - an advantage for economies in transition - as the country's GDP and GDP growth very im-portant components in negotiations with international creditors. In this regard in this paper per-formed calculations to identify the level of the shadow economy in Kyrgyzstan, as well as investi-gated the relationship of the shadow economy with corruption.


Firstly, precisely estimating of the shadow activity allows more exactly estimate economic growth and the effectiveness of the reforms and, as a result, make more effective decisions. Second-ly, the country's GDP, after correction for the informal sector increased at the appropriate scale. This - an advantage for economies in transition - as the country's GDP and GDP growth very im-portant components in negotiations with international creditors. In this regard in this paper per-formed calculations to identify the level of the shadow economy in Kyrgyzstan, as well as investi-gated the relationship of the shadow economy with corruption.


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