An analysis of different approaches to the definition of sustainable tourism and its elements was made by the author of this article. The author of the article conducted an analysis of statistical information that characterizes the socio-economic situation in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The need for sustainable tourism development in the regions of the country is justified by the author of the article. The author also identified the conditions that dictate this need. The author recommended activities that will create the basis for sustainable tourism development in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The author believes that sustainable tourism is one of the ways to solve some of the problems of Kyrgyzstan. The uneven development of the country's regions, the high level of poverty in the regions, the unfavorable environmental situation in the mountain and forest territories of the republic are these problems.


An analysis of different approaches to the definition of sustainable tourism and its elements was made by the author of this article. The author of the article conducted an analysis of statistical information that characterizes the socio-economic situation in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The need for sustainable tourism development in the regions of the country is justified by the author of the article. The author also identified the conditions that dictate this need. The author recommended activities that will create the basis for sustainable tourism development in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The author believes that sustainable tourism is one of the ways to solve some of the problems of Kyrgyzstan. The uneven development of the country's regions, the high level of poverty in the regions, the unfavorable environmental situation in the mountain and forest territories of the republic are these problems.


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