Joining of Kyrgyzstan the WTO was a strong foreign factor, promoted regulatory reforms implementation and intensification of private sector work. There is observed disbalance in evolution dynamics of republic foreign trade; import-export gap tendency is going up, because of measures taken by government for domestic production support, and for reexport operation increase. In consequence of liberal foreign trade condition, Kyrgyz republic has become the most available for trading in region, where in subregional actions is being performed. In spite of Kyrgyz republic has brought the legislation in line with liabilities to WTO, there is nonperformance of obligations and breach of WTO condition, what hampers the stabilized development of foreign trading.


Joining of Kyrgyzstan the WTO was a strong foreign factor, promoted regulatory reforms implementation and intensification of private sector work. There is observed disbalance in evolution dynamics of republic foreign trade; import-export gap tendency is going up, because of measures taken by government for domestic production support, and for reexport operation increase. In consequence of liberal foreign trade condition, Kyrgyz republic has become the most available for trading in region, where in subregional actions is being performed. In spite of Kyrgyz republic has brought the legislation in line with liabilities to WTO, there is nonperformance of obligations and breach of WTO condition, what hampers the stabilized development of foreign trading.


  • Внешняя торговля КР. – Б.: Нацстатком, 1998-2013.
  • Постановление ПКР от 23.12.2005 года, №615; Закон КР «О социальных отчислениях работниками швейной индустрии»; Постановление ПКР от 12.12.2006 г., № 844 «О мерах по дальнейшему развитию швейной промышленности Кыргызской Республики».