The article stresses that only with the participation of the Government there can be a significant increase in the efficiency of infrastructure enterprises, the activation of modernization processes, both through the mobilization of public finances, and state-motivated factors motivating private investors to finance the most promising infrastructure industries. For the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign investments, financial leasing, development of the venture investment system and project financing are the most attractive sources of financing for industrial and innovative activity. In order to attract potential investors to the Kazakhstan market, it is first of all necessary to reduce taxes. It is also necessary to introduce incentive incentives specifically for investing in manufacturing; Currently, the bulk of investment falls on the extractive industry. All this will give a powerful impetus to the development of the country's investment opportunities for the implementation of large-scale strategic tasks on accelerated technological modernization and digitization of the economy of Kazakhstan under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will ultimately increase labor productivity and competitiveness of the country on the world market and will ensure a qualitative improvement in the lives of all Kazakhstanis.


The article stresses that only with the participation of the Government there can be a significant increase in the efficiency of infrastructure enterprises, the activation of modernization processes, both through the mobilization of public finances, and state-motivated factors motivating private investors to finance the most promising infrastructure industries. For the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign investments, financial leasing, development of the venture investment system and project financing are the most attractive sources of financing for industrial and innovative activity. In order to attract potential investors to the Kazakhstan market, it is first of all necessary to reduce taxes. It is also necessary to introduce incentive incentives specifically for investing in manufacturing; Currently, the bulk of investment falls on the extractive industry. All this will give a powerful impetus to the development of the country's investment opportunities for the implementation of large-scale strategic tasks on accelerated technological modernization and digitization of the economy of Kazakhstan under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will ultimately increase labor productivity and competitiveness of the country on the world market and will ensure a qualitative improvement in the lives of all Kazakhstanis.


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