The relationship between attitudes and the use of instagram for political participation among college students
The relationship between attitudes and the use of instagram for political participation among college students
This study aimed to determine the relationship between students’ attitudes toward Instagram using for political participation and the use of Instagram for political participation. This study used a quantitative method with correlational descriptive research. Data collection employed student’s attitudes towards Instagram usage for political participation scale and Instagram usage for political participation scale. The calculation of the product moment analysis technique from Pearson gained in the correlation coefficient (rxy)= .506; p= .000** (p< .001). These results indicated there was a significant positive relationship between attitudes toward Instagram usage and Instagram usage for political participation among students. Descriptive analysis results showed 73 students had positive attitudes and 65 students had negative attitudes toward Instagram usage for political participation, as many as 66 students had a high level and 72 students were low level of Instagram usage for political participation. Implication this research was use of instagram for political participation will be profitable, useful, fun, inexpensive, and provide adequate insight into political participation among college students.
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