Mehmet ÜNAL

Kırâat Kriterleri Bağlamında Kırâatlerin Tevatürü Meselesi ve Şia’nın Buna Bakışı The Problem of the Tavatur/Accuracy of Qirâât) /valid readings in context of the Qirâât) Criteria and the Approach of Shia to that

The Problem of the Tavatur (Accuracy of Qirâât /valid readings in context of the Qirâât) Criteria and the Approach of Shia to that

Milel ve Nihal

2011-Cilt: 8 - Sayı: 3


Kırâat Kriterleri, tevatür/mütevâtir, Şia/İmamiyye, sahih kırâat

Reading’s creteria, Shia/Imamiyya, tawatur/mutawatir, accuracy of readings