Türkiye İlahiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
Textual Analysis, Narrative Change, (Auto)biographical Writing in Arabic Literature, Islamic law, Information about the Companions as a Source of Law
Textual Analysis, Narrative Change, (Auto)biographical Writing in Arabic Literature, Islamic law, Information about the Companions as a Source of Law
Harrār Seriyyesi Özelinde Müslüman Tarih Yazıcılığında Anlatı Değişimi
Türkiye İlahiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
A Review of New Istanbul B1 Level Textbook Writing Activities
Research on Education and Psychology
A class of generalized Shannon-McMillan theorems for arbitrary discrete information source
Turkish Journal of Mathematics
A Technology-Supported Process Based Writing Case in Primary School Fourth Grade
International Technology and Education Journal
Zeynep KILIÇ, Mehmet Fatih KAYA, Pınar GİRMEN
Öz Bağlanım Denklem Tahmini ile Durağanlık Testi: Bir Endüstriyel İşletişim Örneği
İstatistikçiler Dergisi:İstatistik ve Aktüerya
YouTube as a source of patient information on positron emission tomography
Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine
Dil ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi